Hi community,
Is it possible to be an early access tester?
Yes! When Early Access begins.
Have they given a release date for early access? i can’t find it on the steam page…
Welcome to the forum.
No, not yet. All we know is some time later this year. That’s as definite as we have atm.
I would love to try it as well
really like the importance for farming — most games put these type in background
I would love to get involved in testing. I’m always keen to try out games like this, and I’m always curious to see what it can become, as well as help find the rough edges that need fixing. The quantity and quality of my feedback is evident from my Steam profile.
Looks great, and looking forward to hearing more.
Ya sign me up for early access testing. I pretty much only play city builders and survival builders. I’m also a desktop computer consultant so I can bring that as well.
Hello guys, I really would like to join early access tests
Hello to all, I would really love to try Farthest Frontier when it’s ready for Beta. I thought we could buy in early and play test now? On steam is says something to that affect either way would love to give it a try.
Welcome to the forum.
You will be able to buy it when it’s ready to go into beta early access. At the moment though we’re at this stage
You can wishlist the game so Steam will let you know when you can purchase it and join in the later testing stuff.
Thank You, Can’t wait to buy and try!
As a fan of Grim Dawn I would love a beta or EA key. Sorry about the new account, forgot my old account info. If you remember me, I’m that guy that played Grim Dawn with Steam Controller promoted adaptation for Steam controller and wanted support for it. I worked real well and I thank you.
So about EA please let me in!!!
C’mon … give us a release date already … let us in, take our money !
es que ca saurez possible avoire un acces anticipé
bon courage pour le reste du développement
FF goes into early access on Steam on the 9th August.
This game is straight up my ally I would love to stream this on my twitch channel now the more I watch other videos the more I want to play it
I’ve watched 3 random videos of guys who have early early access, and it’s funny that you spent time designing a nice road bending system because those 3 people stuck to American-style grid layout towns. I’m eager to see people design organically shaped towns.
Hello, I would love an early access to your wonderful game
Welcome to the forum.
Early access begins on 9th August on Steam. You can wishlist the game now.