Early game leveling for ranged cadence is painful

can you stop bullshitting please?

i know you don’t like being disagreed with, or shown you’re wrong, even if we stretch it and argue the debate is in the subjective realm. But please atleast fn stop trying arguing about objective facts

and the game is largely aimed at doing the effects around what the tooltips says (again we know this because they’ve fixed several tooltip issues over the years be it cosmetic or actual effect being incorrect)

[quote=“Gaurhoth, post:37, topic:127678”]

how many times do i have to tell you it was clearly overlooked, even by players, even veteran players and builders, i know this from my interaction with players over the last 6 years, and we know this because build guides are using 12/12
so it was not as widely known as you say, clearly
it doesn’t matter what you knew, or what you informed people about, when it was not the “common” knowledge, lots of bugs or exploits was known, but by the minority/never highlighted in teh same sense
and when they, do usually get fixed/dev attention in some way

i can’t find that comment in any of the posts discussing this

not saying you’re wrong, maybe it’s in a different thread

but, in the end it doesn’t matter, because clearly they decided to want it fixed anyway/ended up backtracking, and they can do that

that’s another thing slipping past you, i’m using the “it wasn’t known publically” to attempt to highglight the bug/exploit nature of the 4/12/double passthrough values
when the knowledge got highlighted it got changed, just like “every” time an unintended effect has been made “public” in a way that it gets the devs attention
^this applies to almost every instance of a “bonus effect” for the player, where some part of the community, be it a handful or “large minority” knows about an effect or interaction. But the “second” it gets made “public”/widely known enough/enough widespread community attention, bug threads etc; like we had with pasthrough, then usually devs “fix” it if they deem it unintended
it’s that simple, it wasn’t “known”, because too few people knew about it/wasn’t enough attention, despite a few posts, it became “known”/it got enough attention and then devs took care of it

for the last time, hopefully, i’m goona try be slow and careful to make it clear, so maybe you will follow me this time/get my meaning
1 the devs make game
2 devs put in skill in that game
3 devs give that skill stats and tooltip reflecting the skill’s intended purpose, function and values
4 the tooltip/display = the intended purpose/original intended design
5 the tooltip requires 12/12 to reach 100% effect
^this is the important parts
6 bug/exploit allows effect to be scaled (much differently) than tooltip
^we know it’s a bug because all “wrong” passthrough interactions have been fixed over the years not just 9.8 fighting form

you’ve been relying/using/“abusing” a bug/exploit, which then may get fixed - did get changed

why are you repeating stuff that i literally posted? stuff we’ve been over 2-3x?
i know the values, i’m stating the values, i know the probability interaction with partial passthrough, we do not need to go over this again
my point is simple
going from 90%passthrough to 50% at lvl 7 is not in anyway as bad as you’re trying to make it out to be, going from 100 to 80% at lvl 8 and needing to wait until lvl 9 equally so “not as bad as you’re trying to make it out”
^i even posted a video showing how much of a non issue it is, because we’re talking about 15 minutes and in that time you’re not dealing with anything of such significance that the passthrough values/change is impacting in any remote detrimental/“painful” way or of significance, contra to your claims

for the last time, stop trying to compare other builds, with more or different aoe to Cadence, it has 0 impact or relevance
the sole argument you need to deal with here is the AoE impact for cadence itself, whether 50% and 80% is hindering the player for those 15minutes, and spoiler; it’s not
having 80% vs 100% would not significantly have improved my gameplay, in the sense you’re alluding to, for those 15minutes
it would be an improvident, yes, 50-80 is a downgrade over 90-100, yes, that is not the point, that is not my argument
the point is it’s not remotely as big of a deal or as detrimentally impactful as you’re making it out to be/trying to make it out to be, that’s been my sole argument
you are literally using the peak definition of making a mountain out of molehill with your cadence debate/passthrough impact argument, it’s that simple

again, i’m not remotely against buffing the values, i’m solely disagreeing with your portrayal of the the issue and your claims as to the influence of the issue
because those claims are straight up BS; and i have video to show how much of a non issue it is
^anyone watching that video will not see “omg lvl 7-9 so painful, what horror, i better not level ranged cadence because it god killed in 9.8 and clearly needs more lvl 7-8 passthrough”
-they might however see “holy sht i have no ST dmg it takes me 2minutes to kill a boss” and get turned off instead