I really wish I’d heard they were doing nerfs to gunslingers while the patch was still playtesting.
There are two nerfs to gunslingers, one to blade burst, and one to cadence (affecting 2H as well). I’ve verified both nerfs, the blade burst one by sound (each blade burst plays its own sound, so two of them going off near-simultaneously sounds different than one), and cadence by testing points in fighting form from 1 to 8. The new amount of passthrough for fighting form is (points + 2) * 10%, so starting from 30%, and increasing by 10% per point (100% passthrough at 8 points).
I’ve been playing both kinds of gunslinger for years, and I can verify that both old behaviors have been consistent since before either of the expansions came out.
It’s not clear how much the nerf to gunslinger Blade Burst will affect builds. I don’t know how often double blade burst used to happen. The two most likely answers are (1) it happened randomly, and how many shots would have been fired for a default attack determine how many blade bursts happen, or (2) it happened every time. If it’s (1), that’s a 1/3rd reduction in AOE hit damage, and it’s a reduction by half for (2).
Unlike most gunslingers, blade burst can significantly rely on damage over time to kill weak enemies, and that would be unaffected, but the only way to find out the extent of the change is to playtest it. This change will significantly affect fights with multiple tough enemies, like crucible.
I had been working on leveling several characters for the purpose of making leveling guides for various kinds of blade burst gunslingers. Most of that work will probably have to be thrown out now.
I’m not sure why blade burst gunslingers needed a nerf in the first place.
The nerf to ranged cadence primarily affects leveling, by making leveling advice for ranged cadence far more complicated, and making the ordinary leveling path significantly more grindy.
The ordinary leveling path for ranged cadence is 1 point in cadence, 4 in fighting form, then rushing to deadly momentum. The only problem with this leveling advice is kyzogg is a bit of a slog if you fight him with cadence at level 5 or 6, since you don’t get AOE until level 7. But that can be solved with any random level 5 component.
But with the new patch, the grind continues until level 9, if you level with cadence. But you can also level with Zolhan’s Techinique, which has the disadvantage of leveling with zero points in skills until level 4, and only 2 points in at level 5. Nevertheless, it is so much more powerful that cadence doesn’t catch up until level 9.
But also, if leveling with Zolhan’s Technique is better than cadence, that opens another can of worms: what’s your other mastery? Depending on what it is, it might be better to level with that other mastery’s wps.
But also, because of the sudden new dependence on the exact number of skillpoints available, it’s suddenly relevant whether or not you have an elite or ultimate token, and it’s relevant whether you can use the token prior to level 5, so it also matters whether you have Crucible.
So now, to obtain the appropriate leveling advice for a ranged cadence build, you need to have a flowchart of information, including what the player’s other mastery is (and if they’re playing shaman, whether or not they’re using 2H or pistols), whether they have elite or ultimate tokens, and whether or not they have access to crucible. And mastery they use, the path they take through it, and whether or not they need respecs depends on all of these many pieces of information.
Ranged cadence was already at a disadvantage compared to every other ranged build, which all get AOE by level 5. But because kyzogg + the shrine + turning in quests gets you to level 7, and that’s when you get AOE, it was fine. Now ranged cadence either sucks to level with, or else you have to have a very careful plan about how exactly to do it, which not everyone has access to.
Early game leveling should not need to be this complicated, and ranged cadence didn’t need a nerf to early game leveling. Early game leveling was already ranged cadence’s weakness.