It has been brought to my attention by Gaurhoth here: First time giving up on a build; can it be saved? - #22 by Gaurhoth that Fighting Form’s listed ranged passthrough is bugged. While the tooltip states that at 4 points you have 51 % passthrough, it’s in fact 100 %. Proof here:
Uh-huh, just checked myself starting from 1 point in FF. Tooltip says 33% passthrough, but in fact it was more like 50-60% (I was still getting non-passthrough shots, but considerably less than 67%). Raising FF to rank 2 and 3 gave similar results, but felt like I was getting even less non-passthrough shots. At 4/12 every Cadence shot became passtrhough, and I did a few dozen shots at each rank to get a better sample size, so it’s not just a lucky streak or something. So I guess for some reason FF gives double the amount of passthrough than stated (kinda like amount of projectiles on Storm Spread and similar WPS).
Decided to check ranks 5-12 as well just in case, but it appears to be the same as rank 4.
Good looking out @Gaurhoth. How did you discover this in the first place though?
edit: An update I guess. Checked DEE with Dreeg set because why the hell not, and… well, the result is pretty much the same: did multiple sets of 10 DEE casts on dummy, and was getting 7 passthrough DEE’s on average despite 33% granted by the set. Which fortifies the theory of x2 of stated passthrough chance even further. Come to think of it, Sandspitter’s passthrough mod to RF being 50% at the very begining, and then turning out to be in fact 100%, now starts making much more sense. WTF is going on, I just… can’t XD
Whoa, that’s a pretty major edit there, so posting just so it doesn’t get missed. The crazy Dreeg nerfs were actually more justified and less effective than I thought then…
I didn’t discover it myself, I heard about it a number of years ago. Somebody mentioned it on some forum, and I was surprised, and I tried it, and it worked.
I can’t test it now, since they removed the passthrough, but I’m pretty sure the passthrough on sandspitters worked as advertised when it was 50%, and I know it worked as advertised when it was 100%, because I made an aether RF build using Rutnick’s Blaster in one hand and a sandspitter in the other, and I was getting 100% passthrough on everything.
So I don’t think it’s something that affects everything, although I may need to check to see whether it affects the gunslinger’s talisman, since in the test patch they had it at 100% passthrough for awhile, then nerfed it down to 70%.
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