Could be Interesting

100% passthru to Storm Spread and 13% wpn dmg to it. Seems glassy af but could be fun. I might level a Purifier for this lol. What do you guys think? (yes, I have no augments in the GT, nor affixes on the belt and pants-would use those to fix the horrible resistances and hopefully grab some more health)


The idea might be fun, any FS with two pistols looks great :slightly_smiling_face:.

Does the passing-through part stack? :thinking: Also, why maxing Demon Fire when you have Censure aura?

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Oversight on my part. Can likely drop the whole BWC line in that case.

Or dump points into Agonising Flames and drop Crown devotion. Just another variant :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I personally hate BWC on dw ranged builds, on keyboard bindings it doesn’t activate all the time it seems.

Technically it should, I mean both guns give 50% chance to passthrough. Almost like 100% wps but with passthru :grinning:

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It might also stack multiplicatively (resulting in 75% chance)

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might also only work individually per hand :grin:


Ahh GD - never ending mystery :smiley:


…or it might be 100% regardless of anything, pretty much, as per this topic: Fighting Form ranged passthrough bug

edit: yep, just did 50 Storm Spreads with one gun and it seemed like every single time it was a passthrough one.

I was able to hit the furthest dummy no problem. But maybe I’m blind or something, so anyone is welcome to repeat the test.

Oh, and enjoy your 100% PT Storm Spread (and Primal Strike)

::mumbles to himself “guess all those 70% passthrough WPS skills are actually 140%, hehehe”::