[Elementalist] Light's Defender - Quick Jacks/Storm Totem Build [V1.0.0.6 HC]

I’ve tested similar build with my sorcerer… wouldn’t say it was unplayable. Good OA, decent DA ( 2550/2380 without Judicator’s buff ), no any energy overspending even with 3/3 quick jacks, etc. But something went wrong… still trying to figure it out. Maybe low regen? ( though I included Behemoth in devo ).

first and foremost thanks to Zars for this amazing build…

and all credits to JOV for a more updated version of the build…

im posting my build here as I am in a dilemma on where to spend the rest of points

demo tree:

shaman tree:

notice I am resting with 8 points, thanks to the recent change to using spellwoven treads that grants me more CS a lot of points from VF have been freed… any ideas what will be the optimal skills to use the remaining points. ? :eek:

Would you specify the green affixes??

I would go for thermite mine, also storm totem is not worth the skills point investment. :slight_smile:

+1, also consider putting one more point in searing light to have 6/10.
Stating that, lately I use bit different skill points distribution.

Skyfallen exalted dagger of fury

stonehide boots of the kings with chaos resistances bonus

all other legendaries are imbued with either vit/aether or chaos resistances!

i have been thinking of that as well…

thanks for your insight! :wink:

@JOV … thats more like it!

Thanks, man)

Would this build be doable without the recommended gear? (I’m not new to the game, but I restarted so I have 0 gear).

How is this guy compared to your obliteration sorc?

i have a version of both builds… and they do pretty well… though stun jacks kill bosses quite faster… I am a bit biased towards SJ … but this laser build is so good specially in the facetanking department thanks to nice and quick cooldown rates, you will have both mirror and blastshield up in no time

  • regardin my stun jacks build… my current dps is at 28k . i am ok with that i guess… but i am sick and tired of MoD in almost all my builds and OA is only at 2.7k… me want over 3k :D… so im thinking of using a different OA medal… like BoM perhaps or any rare one… do you think it will affect my survivability… I rarely trigger mark though and I dont do cruc that much anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the green affixes on the pants?

Stonehide of kings! :wink:

Thanks! I imagine those are the Dreeg-Sect pants? What affixes do you have on your Cronley’s ring?

it is an Incorruptible of Attack and I am planning to replace the legendary for like a tempest bloodsworn signet for more OA! :rolleyes:


added: damage screenie with normal auras and battlecry on!

gave up on a bloodsworn signet… RNG is too harsh on me!
with 10/10 ulzuin chosen dropping the arcane spark seems a good thing to increase dps a bit with more crit damage at a cost of a few drops in OA! :rolleyes:

Could anyone with SJ build show roughly what the stats of a Cronley’s ring or Bloodsworn Signet should look like?

something like this…

I dont have one but… a good bloodsworn would be like a tempest of celerity for cast speed or squalls for more damage ! :wink:

Do i understand this right, these are the stats they will always have.

and then the prefixes and suffixes determine all the others stat rolls.
So Bloodsworn Signet with the guaranteed casting speed is better than the Bleed Damage and AS roll on Cronley’s Signet if i can get the right affixes? sry if this is a noob question.

Yes in base form, a bloodsworn would be better damage wise… but the purpose of using cronley is to increase that pierce resistance;)

Other noteworthy rings are gollus for hp and viloth if your an OA addict… otherwise a solid timeflux is good also

very useful builds

maybe I am hallucinating or something but it feels like stun jack animation got slower even at max 200% :rolleyes:

anyway we got a slight dps increase after patch