[Elementalist] Light's Defender - Quick Jacks/Storm Totem Build [V1.0.0.6 HC]

This set up looks really nice, i normally also choosing a more offensive devotion set up over a defensive, but don’t you lose A LOT of defense compared to the original? The Turtle defenses and ability, 12% max health from tree, extra defenses from obelisk… aren’t you squishy without all that?

Not really, LD set gives abundance of armor so you dont need obelisk imho.
Also Mog pact line gives you more than enough HP, and I find turtle to be meh.

For reference I can facetank MQ with that setup with little to no issues.

Tho I do use bit different items than OP.

^ fabius is no problem with ur setup, I managed to push the DPS up to 27k with constant buffs…
sentinel owned ( its just annoying how she keeps on moving, I hope she just stands still so we could crush her:rolleyes: . iron maiden facetanked as well with 0 issues… now just need to find and test the remaining nemesis thugs…

my only issue is that my stun resist is only at 72%, need better “of the kings roll” i guess…:eek:

With that setup mine is 69%, tho you can change ring to quickening gem it gives stun resistance :wink:

eehm quick question… why is quick jacks not maxed? you will miss 10% damage if it’s just 2/3…

-% Energy cost goes down to 20% if you max Quick Jacks. You get most the efficient damage/-% energy cost ratio with 2 points in quick jacks.

I have 3 pts in them.

I tried with 3 points but even with focusing prism it was eating way too much energy. Then again, i tried with dummies and that means no Healing Rain proc, so i guess 3 points in quick jacks is better.

For dummy trial you have to use ectos in your jewelry. With healing rain you are ok.


are you still using this setup ?

what’s that green weapon though ?

More or less, did some small changes but its pretty much the same.

Its a crafted lightning based exalted dagger. If you plan to craft one aim for thunderstruck, skyfallen or stormcharged of furry.

Cool. I need to remember to get Elemental Storm for my character; I am working on my own Quick Jacks build right now. I am going with a Commando for the internal trauma and some more survivability. Could be absolute garbage. No idea yet.

JoV - I am running into mobs, mostly revenants, that are basically immune to the jacks (I’m lvl 27). Do I just run away?

You mean Fury.

Grim Dawn is creepy enough, last thing we need are furries in the game

@JoV i am surprised to see you passing advice. Aren’t you worried they might nerf Jacks (Or did they already nerf it enough in this patch?)

I never understood why people try to level the build just like the end-game version of it.

Come back, get a Flintcore Bolts (you should have one by now). Insert into your off-hand and kill everything till you hit Homestead.

By now you should have significant level and can no level as a Stun Jacks build. Rush the RR sources on the devotion map for high effectiveness

Transmuted Nuker a.k.a Skyfire Grenado for single target

My 2c. on the build

What celestial power/skill binding did you find most efficient with that setup? I’m doing this build but with your more offensive devotions and I don’t know what devotion is better to assign to which skill.

Tempest - mines
Elemental storm - Jacks
Arcane bomb - flashbangs

Ah thanks!

Fun build! I level it like a druid though, wind devil, ST, and WT. Pick up the lightning relic @ 35 and this just destroys everything while slowly becoming more and more tanky. I’ll switch over to jacks at 75

@Jov I’m new to the forums and am looking for a build that can take out nemesis solo. Could you share your full SJ Elementalist? Thanks for all advice you share on the forum.

Thx, but there is not much else to share, you have devotion setup I use, pic with gear, skill point distribution is more or less same, I just made some fine tuning noting more :wink: