Endgame balancing problem

Besides, is there any point of playing campaign in the endgame, when one can play SR/Cruci?

That is, good example of not taking build results in Crucible as the only one argument for balancing changes.

SR is technically campaign :stuck_out_tongue:

But it really just depends on what’s more fun for the player. Efficiency-wise the other two are always better but not everything is about efficiency.

And that was because everyone cried about it being OP. Nowadays no one talks about SR balance aside from the aggro tricks.

Maybe to unlock achivements for exmaple? Or maybe to fight against celestials?
Could you clarify what do you mean by “playing campaign in the endgame”.

Builders and build compendium seem to indicate otherwise.

To get rewarded with loot in a similarly efficient, but different way than crucible/SR

Yes, and Crucible is technically not a part of campaign. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno about them but for me cruci is the only fun part of the game nowadays :stuck_out_tongue: Has been like that since AoM, except during the days when something new came, i.e. Kra’vall, Ancient Grove, and FG.

could it have something to do with that there is a massively higher loot rate and MI rate in cruci than in MC, while at the same time having smaller periods of just walking without action?

Nope. Been GDstashing since Day 1 of AoM. Loot doesn’t matter to me. The only time I returned legit was when I did that level 1-100 build post and when FG came out just to finish campaign legit.

I never thought Leopold would enter the discussion here :stuck_out_tongue:

Iirc @superFluff and @JoV did post some top tier stuff for crucible even back in those days. Besides @Ptirodaktill popping up sometimes I recall even @ABCbarbecue posting stuff. But the latter was more obsessed with Superbosses.
@TZ_Tz and @Sobertooth were busy setting campaign records. Lastly, @TomoDak barely posted anything despite creating a lot of top class stuff.

I am sure I am missing some big names from the old days. But yeah most people didn’t care much for the crucible. I’d say it was because back then theorycrafting was less intuitive so build posters mainly focused on “Yeah this is not only possible but you can also kill the end game bosses with it in a reasonable time”.
Save for the top tier skills nothing else had any support whatsoever, diversity was far less compared to what AoM introduced.
For Example, when I posted ABB Pistol Build there was no support for ABB ranged. Similarly, @Ceno is the first guy to introduce Lightning Sabo to my knowledge, @Sobertooth was one of the first to show us the potential of item based skills, @Tz Tz displayed that you could dual wield toothpicks and still kill Rashalga, @ABCbarbecue was obsessed with glass cannon builds killing superbosses,@Jov was oddly fascinated with playing naked and lastly @superfluff is the only way who didn’t stray from the holy path of Pierce. IIRC he is one of the first few individuals who displayed how Shotgun builds can kill MQ by explaining Rashalga’s mechanics (his Deathmarked BM)

In short, focus was different back then. Then AoM introduced skill mods that allowed the devs to support less conventional combinations and the focus shifted from “is it possible?” to “how fast can I kill stuff with this?” Rest is history.

This is just my take on things. I could be wrong here. Typing all this, I feel old.

On topic, I agree with Norzan here. The fact that a build can do crazy times should be enough to warrant nerf, even if said times aren’t achievable John Doe or Bob Burger.

As for SR not being a benchmark for build posting. I am not sure whether it was ever designed for that purpose. Looking at the latest developer update, it looks like it was always meant to be a haven for closet masochists.


6 to 6:30 average is pretty much ok for someone who plays a lot. I don’t think anything in that area is even close to being nerfed

@Chthon you lurker what are you doing these days :stuck_out_tongue:

The question is how easy can you repeat this record and how much is impact of blesses and banners on run speed. What if we try this OP like build with no banners and blessing?

P.S: Some time ago Crucible focused builds had to stack DA and armor to complete 170 wave.

Well, it’s good question. When SR were first introduced I got the impression that SR were designed to be new challenge and a new benchmark for end-game builds.

:smiley: now that you mention it I have become a lurker. Am taking a break from reality right now, so I’d say pretty good.

It’s great to see you’re still posting kick-ass stuff (SS Breaker).

BTW, nice to see you here again. :smile:

I am working off a laptop so I rarely play anymore (I am not used to Laptop gaming). But occasionally I get the urge to stash some items and try out some concepts I got saved in grimtools.


Heya, been a while :tiger:

Not quite sure I’d consider myself having been particularly relevant to the GD forums, just having posted a few builds based on concepts Jajaja had already worked on :blush:

On the topic of the tread, tbh I don’t care about nerfs unless they touch base class skills and don’t block concepts from clearing Gladiator 170, SR 66 or Lokarr. And even then, WD and totems are still good skills after being targeted quite a few times in the past months.

If anything, those are completely overshadowed for me by the improvements to Arcanist and Demolitionist and other stuff like decreased cost on granted skills. Especially with thermite mines that went from making me want to cry most of the time to being a very good skill.

It’s often said that game is balanced to satisfy the majority of players. But nerfs based on the results of the minority. Sorry, it looks like pure hypocrisy.

I personally haven’t made any “broken” build, so idk, why you used this word. 99% of broken builds are posted in the first days of new patch (like Stoneguard Warlord or Cyclone Archon). Most of sub 6m posted now are the result of theorycrafting, tweaking, testing and polishing.

Such things make me think we go very-very wrong direction

You prob don’t know, I used to write feedbacks on this forum and on the old one (+ pmed to Z). I wrote about Trozan and Arcanist before buffs, for example.

I don’t think this has ever been said. What has been said is that the majority of players never even see Ultimate, and the game is balanced for the minority out of Crate’s own passion for the game itself.

Early game balancing and stuff like the Veteran overhaul or the upcoming affix overhaul? Sure, that’s targeted at content that all should be able to see. But individual build adjustment is not a majority concern.