Endgame Build Balancing Discussion

First thing to do to “balance” things:
Don´t let John_Smith or Shoot2033 post anything here. :wink:

Just Kidding:
Before this patch, I had a strong suspicion that nerfs are directed at Crucible builds and the same builds had to “suffer” outside of Crucible. Well, I was surprised with the changes to the Vanilla Nemesis and enemies…quite an elegant solution, which has to be smoothed at some corners but otherwise is fine for me.

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I agree. There will be a point, sooner or later, when GD will roll it’s final patch. For now, let’s wait for new rogue dungeon, at least.

at last we have found the criminals, and justice will prevail :rofl:

I really blame Shoot for all Bleeding nerfs. Nobody plays these builds often, but he has to. And bad pilots like me suffer. :rofl:

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I am baffled by how anyone can say this seriously.

If everything in the game actually did zero damage, do you legitimately think some “OMEGA LEGENDARY xXx420BuilderBoi69xXx” could still clear 170 in sub 6?

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With many builds being comprised of RNG general pool legendaries and blues what quantifiable difference between let’s say Raddagan’s and Justice set? They are both of equal ease to obtain and it is a given they’ll be put to optimal use on synergistic masteries and accompanying gear and devotions.

Given multiple paths of equal difficulty (farming for legendaries that admittedly drop like candy) players are much more likely to pick the bigger reward as a target.

Reading into the absence of MI nerfs they still exist as potentially overstatted items realms removed from the rarity of legendaries. Though it’s an assumption, I believe this shows the developer’s intent that items if comparable rarity shouldn’t be too far apart in performance, but super rare gems can be in another league.

Did you just assumed that mad_lee is from the same planet? :open_mouth:


Well he ain’t here on Mars, I can tell you that much.


beat up the cyclpne set extra hard and buff back maelstrom, box, and totem to their rightful place.

I don’t see the logic in this. Every iteration means GD1 improves the GD experience. Every change is a new thinking point and imho pumps new energy in.

Is this game so full of old dogs (you know …“can’t learn new tricks…”).

And a better tuned GD1 can only mean better dev lessons for GD2, if that is even something that will happen. I’m pretty sure this is not holding back GD2.

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Well, just keep waiting because you’ll get a sweet town builder instead. I mean, devs aren’t bound to the will of their playerbase.

I don´t see nerfs…just new opportunities. :innocent:

Do you seriously advocate that in the current balance no single build be physically capable of going faster than that? Like this here Cyclone? No matter who’s behind the wheel?




I too am fine with drawing a nice hard line at 6m, and only for the inconsistent glass cannons at that.

Do you seriously not see any reason why there are benefits from a game design perspective for setting a standard limit on player damage output and performance?

Might as well let 3 minute builds exist then if it means having to have a brain like this guy

and manage 10 buttons on your hotbar perfectly lest you instantly die. Just because you think something takes more skill doesn’t mean it should hit the benchmarks you personally want. 6 minutes can be the line for the “best pilots” and everyone else’s time is shifted up a bit. It has the same effect and you’d still only be seeing the 6 minute mark with great pilots… so it takes nothing away from them being able to showcase their skill.

So… if Shoot was not to be able to do 6 minutes on Cyclone or Sigatrev on his green WH Ghol… what would that make those builds for an average player? Probably somewhere around 10-12 minutes/unplayable. Because they die if they don’t steamroll.

And that’s fine. Plus that only happens to the glassiest of them. So it’s extra fine. Very dramatic assumption about those builds. It’s almost like average players might have to tweak them to be less glassy, or get better at piloting. Making good piloting even more meaningful.


It’s fine that builds are unplayable?

I’m not saying all nerfs are bad. Just that drawing an arbitrary line at 6min even for the most hardcore pilots on every build is kinda… I don’t wanna echo Mad_Lee’s sentiment here but this sounds very uneducated…

In crucible 150-170 when they are only designed to speedrun with super low survivability? yes. Seriously get over yourself.

There’s a whole campaign you can dick around with and beat with 0 skill points invested. “unplayable” You really know how to warp reality to suit your perspective.

Heaven forbid something that is meant to be challenging, and then challenging yourself to give up survival tools to do the challenge even faster with more risk… gates worse players from achieving the same thing… My Goodness me. I’m sure the large majority of players who barely touch crucible are weeping over the 5 minute times they’ll never achieve with the builds they never looked up because they’re too busy just enjoying their game.

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