Farming Compendium 2 [Statistics]

Drop rates are probably outdated already and I don’t have the time to gather all of the data again with every new patch. Therefor I won’t be collecting new data for now :rolleyes:

Hello everyone,

first of all - please excuse me if my english is not perfect, it’s not my mother tongue.

Over a year ago I gathered some data on Grim Dawn farming runs to find the most efficient one. Now after many patches and with the release of the expansion I am playing the game again. There were however changes made to the game that alter the results of certain runs. This is why I am currently collecting new data and for those of you that are interested in it I’d like to share it here.

The Results
Unless otherwise noted, all runs are done on the ultimate difficulty at level 100 with a spellbinder that is using Ptirodaktill’s Aether CDR build (not all BIS items yet).
The times for the runs are taken from the beginning when I start moving away from a rift to when the run is finished. Due to that the “per hour”-results (that may differ from character to character anyways) misrepresent the actual time it is going to take you to do one of these runs. This is especially true for the quicker runs.

The Twin Falls Run []

Average time per run (out of 10 runs): 112s


[spoiler]- Loot: green and above, all materials

  • Tactic: focus on killing heroes and bosses, kill trash when it blocks the path
  • Difficulty: easy, no Nemesis, weak mobs, not a lot of danger except if you run into a 5 heroes-pack and have low defenses
  • Reliability: 161 runs -> rather reliable

The Cronley Run []

Average time per run (out of 10 runs): 150s


[spoiler]- Loot: green and above, all materials

  • Tactic: focus on killing heroes, bosses (including Direni) and the occasional Fabius, kill trash when it blocks the path
  • Difficulty: Killing Fabius might prove difficult depending on your build and equipment, other than that it’s rather easy, avoid Cronley’s Molotov-Aether-things and kill the spawning crystals
  • Reliability: 60 runs -> not very reliable

Attachment: Twin Hive tower 1.jpg
Attachment: Twin Hive tower 2.jpg
Attachment: cronleys run.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 1.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 2.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 3.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 4.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 5.jpg
Attachment: Steps of Torment Route 6.jpg
Attachment: Results_161.jpg
Attachment: Results_60.jpg
Attachment: Results_111.jpg
Attachment: Results2_111.jpg

The Steps of Torment Run []

Average time per run (out of 10 runs): 590s


[spoiler]- Loot: green and above, all materials

  • Tactic: focus on killing heroes, bosses and the occasional Moosilauke, kill trash when it blocks the path. Check nearby “bone-pit” areas for potential hero spawns. There are also several treasure trove spawn locations on this run.
  • Difficulty: Killing Moosilauke might prove difficult depending on your build and equipment. Alkamos can hit hard too. Other than that it’s rather easy, be careful with packs of heroes in the Chamber of Souls though.
  • Reliability: 111 runs -> rather reliable (+/- 10% on the numbers)
  • Note: You’ll need 1 skeleton key per run.[/spoiler]

The short version:
Make your way to and through the Steps of Torment.

The long version:

Teleport to the Broken Hills Rift and take the shortest way to the Steps of Torment dungeon.

Just move through this zone.

Just move through this zone.
The white line represents an alternative route which you might have to take, depending on the randomly spawned blockade.

Move through this zone while checking 1 for hero spawns.
Defeat Grand Priest Zarthuzellan at 2 and open the sealed door with a skeleton key.
The white line represents an alternative route which you might have to take, depending on the randomly spawned blockade.

Move through this zone but defeat the 3 waves of enemies in the Chamber of Souls at 3 and loot the chest.
Before leaving the zone kill Ilgorr, the Eternal at 4.
The white line represents an alternative route which you might have to take, depending on the randomly spawned blockade.

Find your way through this zone and defeat Alkamos at 5.
After looting his chests the run is finished.
The white lines represent alternative routes which you might have to take, depending on the randomly spawned blockades.


Thanks to Flying Potato for starting to share data in the first place.
As always, any feedback is appreciated.

Good luck out there,
Have fun!


  • Added the Steps of Torment Run[/i]

Reserved for more space.

Reserved for more space

9 legendaries per hour in twin falls? Nope, i’ve done it for hundreds of hours and most i’ve got was 5-7. And even that’s rare. Unless they buffed legendary drop rate in expansion but i haven’t noticed.

If you look at the old data you’ll see that the current drop rate is a significant improvement. 150 runs should give a rather representative result so I assume there were changes made to it. The Twin Falls Run looks great with this patch.

Also keep in mind that I did not include the time to restart the session. The time starts with leaving the rift portal.

I suggest the crown hill run where you directly go to the fleshworks and kill the tree blue bosses there. I seem to be getting a level 94 legendary every time and they do appear to be different from the ones farmed in easier places.

Figures. I guess i’m just as unlucky as usually. Played for about 3 hours last night in ultimate in the new expansion areas and didn’t get a single legendary. But i noticed maybe a slight increase in drops in boc&sot. Can’t be sure though.

You might be right!
I just started farming SOT too and got 7 legendaries in the first 2 runs. We’ll see if I can keep this rate up :smiley:

Thank you, I’ll try that route.

So i’m not the only one who does not like to do crucible here? ^^ As much as people keep praising it, it’s just meh for me. Might as well play d3 if all you do is play crucible in gd. :rolleyes:

Exactly, crucible kills the fun for me too.

Broken Hills rift -> Guardian of Solael is my router, you may meet 0-8 heroes and end up of killing that beast for its pants.
With the new loot drop imrpovement, I think you could try SoT (much faster and easier than BoC, 3 MI legendaries, meet Moo frequently).
Yes Crow Hill -> Fleshwork is a long router but there are 5 purple bosses ( Valaxteria + Krieg + boss from quest Another me + 2 guardians) + 1 last boss, meet Alex occasionally ( much less than Fabius ).

Yup, the fleshworks were meant to be farmed. I think I’ve finished 10 runs so far and there has always been at least 1 legendary item, sometimes 2-3, by the end.

I doubt it, after 100+ runs, it seems about 1 leg per run on average, maybe slightly less.

Your English is fine by the way, I always like it when people mention that and they appear to have a better grasp on the language than many native speakers do.
And people like you almost always have better writing etiquette (punctuation, paragraphs) than many of them, since ESL people tend to strictly adhere to such things.

What about the Arkovian Undercity run with “Kilrian, the Tainted Soul” as endboss?

Here is a decription:

My char don’t let me do crwon hill runs on ultimate.
Arkovia is working fine for me on ultimate.

Char Level 92. Sorc.

Could you explain your run in/with more details.
I’m new and want to test some other runs as Arkovia.

I think I’ll try the Kilrian Run with the current patch again - one year ago it was only good for the “Kilrian’s Shattered Soul”-component but maybe that has changed too.

My Cabalist might also struggle to do Crown Hill/Fleshworks runs fast, but I’ll test that.
If you’re struggling with Crown Hill you could try the Twin Falls Run, it is very easy to do.

Thanks :slight_smile:

it doesnt even drop anything remotely relevant, i had 6 legendary drop once and none of it i can use on my blademaster nor summoner :rolleyes:

Thx for your tips. I’ll try Twin Falls Run and The Cronley Run after work.

“Average time per run (out of 10 runs): 118s”
118s are ~2mins. That cannot be right, or?

It’s the average time from when I leave the rift to when I end the run. The enemies are squishy and if you basically ignore all the non-hero-mobs you can just rush through it.

Just did some testing and i’m sure you can push that twin falls time down a bit. With my bwc sorc i’m averaging around 100-110 seconds.

Edit, and i don’t even have a gap closer.