Farthest Frontier and Offline DRM Free / GOG

Hello Crate,

I’ve been a big fan and supporter of Grim Dawn since a little after the kick starter, and was one of the original “Loyalists”. I’ve also bought every expansion and supporter pack, and will continue to support you all since I believe you are doing the correct thing when it comes to the way you develop the game, interactions with the community, and most importantly the ability for a game to be played in offline, single player mode, without DRM. While my core game (and personal work that I do) is maintaining the original Diablo II (and Lord of Destruction - I’m the creator of Cactus), I transitioned my gaming computer to be an offline only, single player, drm free machine, this means my Windows computer has no internet (I’m making this post on my other machine which is running one of the UNIX operating systems. I’ve also blogged about this transition here. This also means I only buy games on eBay or GOG (and no longer buy anything on Steam - last purchase was in 2020).

With that said, my question is if you are planning to make Farthest Frontier also DRM Free / Offline like Grim Dawn? I hope this will be the case, while I spend most of my time playing original Diablo II or other older “retro/retro-ish games” (cough hellgate london, etc cough), I still love following you, Grim Dawn, and continuing to support you. I would like to continue this support with Farthest Frontier as well.

Thank you!

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I have been trying to find out the answer to this myself. I also would like to know if FF will be released on GoG? I love Grim Dawn and Own it on PC and Xbox, I have stopped buying games from Steam for my own reasons and I truly hope to be able to buy Farthest Frontier on GoG. I was hoping to get on the beta and also know that it is in EA on Steam, but I just don’t buy from them anymore. Last game I have on Steam was Last Epoch, but I bought a $400usd Supporter pack from EHG when they were going to release on GoG and Steam, don’t know what changed to this day but at least All my support went to the developers and not 30% of it to Valve.

Hope I wasn’t too long winded, and hope I see FF on GoG

Thanks Crate Devs,


From the Q&A transcript from summer 2022:

But I have heard FF has sold very well, so maybe the incentive to publish it on GOG is greater.

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GoG also takes the same share as far as I know. Even if it seems like much it’s apparently ‘standard’.