Farthest Frontier v0.7.5 + Hotfixes

Yeah! Let’s go to test 0.7.5!

I don’t really understand the change to builders, now using a hand cart. Does that make baskets obsolete? What’s the point of baskets now?


Glad to know 0.7.5 is released!!

Now we can biuld a new world…again^^

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" * Cooper Building now requires Tier 3."
no baby noooooooo


I mean you can’t produce iron ingots until tier 3 anyway

A post was merged into an existing topic: [0.7.5] Unable to mine stone, stone disappeared

yeh but you can buy them at T2


I have to say, excellent work on the performance updates. My poor computer is no longer having to constantly ramp up the fan so high. Memory is a modest 2gb and super low processor/gpu usage. Runs so much better.


Yes! Thanks a lot! At last back to play again.

Is it because of the blue glaze?


Great patch! I’m very excited to start a new playthrough

Great to see a bunch of pain points were addressed very quickly. Looking forward to the CI/CD feeding us on a frequent basis :heart_eyes:

There was a new bug, my new map was able to collect stones normally for the first few days, but after a few days it could not be collected, I quit reloading, and the stones in the whole map disappeared…

Good. The loud bell of the Town Hall was so annoying.

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Question does the game automatically update? I have no Steam notification about the update and Steam always ask before it upgrades. So I not sure if the game update. Thank you for your hard work in this game.

It should unless you tell it not to.

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Update on closing it the update had been done. Thank you.

Finally! The wait is over! New playthrough, here we go!

waits not over yet unfortunately. update is here yes, but now we wait for the hotfix. Hopefully this will teach some people the value of patience and not demanding updates come as soon as possible.


What happened? Does the game not run or something