Farthest Frontier v0.7.6

Sounds like the broken grocer fix for 0.8.0 is going to be what you need.

I think the most annoying parts are like 4 soldiers in 1 shelter - if you select a shelter there is always only poo inside. Or a bit worse case i had recently - 1 guardsman and 4 infants in tier 3 house - the infants just kept dying because guard wasn’t visiting home often enough to feed the children. So when they died new infants would simply show up in the very same house causing a loop which lasted for like 15 years, eventually 1 of the children managed to survive to be old enough to feed the rest “LOL”.

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The thought never went through your mind to fire the guard from his job so he had time to stock his shelter?

Nop, duty is at the top of his priorities! And ccall me sadist but actually i couldn;t stop laughing because of that LOL

Has anyone else found that the game is much smoother at higher population levels? I’m at 800 citizens and it’s still reasonably smooth. There is a little but of jerkiness when scrolling and when lots of raiders arrive but it is so much better than the previous patch. Maybe it’s just me or the map I’m playing. It was really jerky for me on the previous patch at around 400 citizens but that was on a different map.

They improved performance in the latest 7.6 patch. I expect that’s what you’re seeing.