Farthest Frontier v0.7.6

But you can’t. Housing will only auto upgrade, there’s no manual option to do so atm.

If houses are only auto-upgrade. And I don’t think Billy deserves his own manor… I have to build his shack somewhere else? Like outside the city walls? Billy couldn’t save my burning smokehouse in time. I can’t keep playing knowing the bastard sits in a manor with a smug smile on his face when he should be living in a shack…


Where can I download the patch?
Thank you!

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

On Steam as usual.

Feed him to the wolves.


The patch is usually applied automatically and I have rarely seen it in Steam.

there still seems to be issues with the barns. cows being killed even when theres is enough food, also divided the heard made cows dissapear.
also when at full 10/10 calves being born dissapear

Is there any plan to address the huge travel distance problem ?
The fact that peoples almost never relocate near their job make the development of small “village” or settlement around your main town useless with unrealistic situations (north people working on south jobs, crossing peoples from south working in north).

In reality, peoples doesn’t relocate so often, but with something like 1% swap per month (2 peoples swap their job or house to reduce distance), you could end with a more coherent situation within 10 years, which sound realistic.
Also it could be done without impacting performance, just check a few people in the full list every “day” cycle.

It can also add to roleplay, “5 peoples relocated this years to be closer to their work” message (off by default).

Thanks for your work, it look really cool already (even if my 600 peoples are exhausted due to travel distance :wink:

Billy wasn’t the hero this time… :joy:

Please consider the issue with cows grazing fields. This appears to be a bug, where sometimes they can and sometimes they can’t graze a field.

Perhaps allowing them to graze only when clover is being raised? Or allowing grazing, but destroying the crop? Or a “fallow” pseudo-crop, allowing the field to intentionally “weed up” in about a year, which would be realistic. My real clay fields weed up faster than that! That would provide adequate fodder and nutrient value. Or maybe just let unused fields weed-up faster and then graze.

The practice is real, especially after grains, where cows glean the fields of remaining grain, better preparing them for the next year. A “glean” pseudo-crop setting lasting about 30-60 days, to run after wheat, rye, and buckwheat, and if you ever get it, corn, would be great.

Also, clover is harvested into hay in real farms, so once a player has barns, he should be able to “harvest” the clover as winter feed. That should be it’s only use other than the fertility refresh, which you’ve so ably and correctly represented!

One more thought: Corn into corn whiskey at a distillery! High market value and triple the number of brawls! Could also be used as a medication by the apothecary.

Sadly, in my version market is still an issue. They just don’t want to stock. For me, it’s not playable since I can’t upgrade the houses and people get sick from not having access to fruit and veggies (but the cellar is full of it) Even with a new game it doesn’t work. Uninstall and reinstall didn’t work either. But thank for all your hard work.

I assume you have tried uninstalling the game completely and then re-installing it?

Also, is it an old game? Does the issue still occur with a new city build? Another thing to check for is unpathable terrain by the market: terraforming can leave bits of terrain unpathable and can cause folks to get stuck or be unable to reach places.

One other thing to check on is the population of the houses in question: are they all soldiers/guards? I remember having a household that was entirely guards and so none of them ever went to “stock the shelter” (that was 0.7.5 though)

Still happens in 7.6. Not to mention having a house full of 1-4 yr olds and 1 adult who is working non-stop. The children were literally starving to death inside a manor house with a fully stocked market next to it. I fired the man from his wagon master job and that seemed to fix the issue.

Ouch! Bizarrely a manor house of mine, full of 6 children, seemed to have no issue… wonder if that’s the factor of an adult in the household.

I posted a couple of times about a window that popped up on a week or two back, it showed me all the villagers, with their ‘commute time’ to the Forager shack it popped up on, and I could choose who would be the Forager. I wasn’t on the whisky or any other strong drugs, it did appear, but then something happened and it disappeared and I couldn’t find it again, I think it’s possible that I had a freeze just after and had to reload, possibly that’s related i don’t know, I didn’t see it again. But I do think I saw a facility which will appear at some point, and we’ll be able to do exactly as you say, have people living close to their work (I think they call them ‘20-minute communities’, everything you need within walking distance with a big basket on your back… maybe make that ‘30-minute communities’)
I’m still excited at the prospect, I hope we don’t have long to wait.

Most like it was the window that was asking you to select because there were no other free people available… “You want this filled? By whom? You tell me!” (or something like that)
I had it pop-up when I had no labourers left, which is what alerted me to that issue.

yes that is what i meant by uninstall and reinstall.

Like I said even with a new game, it doesn’t work. And I never had to terraform so this is not the issue. And I don’t have any guards in my game. They stock like 20 of something, then are just wondering around unable to work.