Farthest Frontier v0.7.6

Pleased to report that our latest update, v0.7.6, has just gone live!

This update was focused on addressing a number of issues that were detrimental to your experience in Farthest Frontier, but also includes some tuning, quality of life features, and optimization of some game elements.

We hope you enjoy!

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  • Fixed an issue where builders performing upkeep would not play an animation.

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  • Optimized the Town Center UI windows (resources, professions, happiness) to be much more responsive.
  • Vsync multiplier now scales with high-refresh monitors.
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would not register through widgets when trying to place buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers could end up stuck in terrain, generating so called “death cults”.
  • Fixed an issue where wall construction could cause severe performance hitches.
  • Fixed an issue with foraged items spawning in water. This fix is not retroactive.
  • Fixed an issue where the Occlusion Highlight toggle would reset.
  • Fixed an issue where building and resource window positions would become offset randomly.
  • Fixed an issue where building windows would sometimes require tiny amounts of scroll bar to see the full contents.
  • Fixed multiple issues where certain widgets (building icons) would not appear when intended (ex. waste warning, paused production, etc.).
  • Fixed an issue where the Forager Shack and Market were not displaying certain widgets.
  • Fixed multiple issues where Trading Post UI could end up stuck, or display traders incorrectly, ex. after upgrading the Trading Post.
  • Fixed an issue where other building windows could be opened while the Trading Post window is open.
  • Fixed an issue where Trading Post UI would flash between different products in the same line.
  • Fixed an issue where spoiled items would sometimes remain as x0 piles.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers could end up perpetually retreating inside a residence.
  • Fixed an issue where building production would sometimes not resume after a building was uncondemned or a fire was put out.
  • Fixed an issue where production sliders at the Work Camp would reset on their own.
  • Fixed an issue where hunters would generate more traps than the set amount.
  • Fixed an issue where Hunter Lodge trap slider would reset back to max.
  • Fixed an issue where Barn overpopulation would trigger one cow sooner than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where herds could become permanently abandoned when cancelling a barn relocation task.
  • Fixed an issue where cows could end up stuck in limbo in the Trading Post and then deleted.
  • Fixed a rare on load issue related to barns.
  • Fixed an issue where fruit and decorative trees could be placed within crop fields.
  • Fixed an issue where fields could be tilled on top of each other.
  • Fixed an issue where field expansions could be added beyond the cap if done without closing the window.
  • Fixed an issue where field expansions could be added infinitely into the fog of war.
  • Fixed an issue where field expansions would sometimes cause a field to have more workers than the cap.

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  • Villagers now automatically exit the Town Center garrison before starving. Consequently, starving villagers will no longer garrison the Town Center.
  • Increased time for homes to become abandoned to 8 months, up from 4.
  • Increased starting food for Pioneer difficulty.
  • Expanding a field now also adjusts the overall weed level, fertility and rockiness accordingly, rather than the expanded field inheriting the values of the original field.
  • Added a critical indicator (!) to items that are full in building storage.
  • Building upkeep now accumulates seasonally rather than monthly, giving builders more time to react to upkeep tasks before additional materials are required.
  • Buildings with unpaid expenses are now blocked from work. A new icon has been added for buildings that are in this state.
  • Increased meat from boars.

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  • Increased fruit output for fruit trees at the Arborist Building.
  • Arborist Building now supports up to 2 workers.
  • Cobbled Road now requires a tier 3 Town Center.
  • Reduced population cap for tier 1 Barns to 10, down from 12, and increased the cap to 20 for tier 2 Barns, up from 16.
  • Tier 2 Barn now requires a tier 4 Town Center.
  • Cows can no longer be purchased at the Trading Post unless a Barn has been constructed.
  • Updated production of meat, hides and milk at Barns.
  • Changed milking and butchering priority for herders and prevented cows from being stuck not grazing when not in milking season.
  • Basket Maker no longer requires a Forager to build.
  • Reduced amount of tools and weapons Blacksmith Forge/Workshop will store, so they are moved to town storage more quickly.
  • Increased production time of cheese at Cheesemaker.
  • Compost Yards now automatically dispose of excess waste, allowing them to continue to collect waste even if all 3 compost storage areas are full.
  • Environmental Fertility modifiers for Crop Fields are now displayed when placing the field and in the Crop Field UI itself. This modifier impacts the potency of any fertility gains, ex. from Clover. This was technically snuck in v0.7.5f, but we wanted to draw attention to it as it was never called out.
  • Updated Fertility Impact display in Crop Selection to display effective Fertility changes, rather than a +/-5 range, before environmental fertility modifiers.
  • Reduced arrows produced at the Fletcher Building/Workshop per log to 18, down from 20.
  • Reduced Sand per Glass at the Glassmaker to 3, down from 4.
  • Hunter Lodge no longer has Structural Integrity, to match the tier 1 Hunter Cabin.
  • Shrunk the hit box of Small Plazas for the rare edge case where roads are overlapping them enough to be un-selectable.
  • Plaza upgrades now correctly require a tier 3 Town Center, instead of requiring the same tier they are unlocked at.
  • Increased production speed at the Smokehouse.
  • Tannery no longer requires a Hunter Cabin to build.

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  • Adjusted the collision bounds for the Megarock.
  • Fixed an issue where Furniture could decay in storage.

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  • Adjusted tuning of raids on Vanquisher difficulty. Raids have fallen a bit behind the curve with all the buffs to player defenses.

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Good job guys!

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Bof… Nothing really transcendent.

See you in 6 months to see if the game has evolved.


Thanks for your diligence, crushing foundational bugs without breaking other stuff is tough work!


Nice. I’m looking forward to new gameplay feature, such as an enhanced combat system and a way to send soldiers to others lands to steal resources and people, like Vikings.


Thank you for the patch. Always appreciate the hard work to make the game better.


Updated production of meat, hides and milk at Barns.

What does updated mean in this context?

You get what early access means? Need an explanation?


Yes - good job to all the devs on the consistent and rapid fixes. You cleared up some really good stuff in this list!


So sad but makes sense


Também queria saber

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I kind of expected the Compost Yard to get more job slots, did you decide against it or is this planned for a later update?


My only issue right now with the game is that we are still not allowed to manually upgrade the houses. I really dont think this is hard to code in game since all other buildings already need you to upgrade them manually.


Devs said they had that originally in the game, then took it out in favour of the automatic function, if I remember correctly. They seem to see no reason not to upgrade houses, or else halt all upgrades instead.

I’d say ideally we should not just get the manual upgrade option, but also a reason why you might not want to upgrade all shelters, even long-term. The first should be pretty easy, the latter of course might take a while to work out and implement.

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Great work, loving the game. Keep up the hard work! Would love to see more stuff on your Twitter though!

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Das der Stall erst bei Dorfzentrum 4 ausgebaut werden kann, ist einfach zu spät. Der Ausbau muß schon bei Dorfzentrum 3 möglich sein.
Auch sind immer noch 8 Leute fĂĽr einen Betrieb einfgach zu viel. Egal was es fĂĽr ein Betrieb ist, muĂź bei 6 Arbeitern SchluĂź sein, ohne das die Produktion abnimmt.

Since this last update, my main and only save has been deleted. More than 30 hours gone to ashes. Very, very disappointed…

The game cannot delete your saves without your input. Make sure software such as antivirus or onedrive are not manipulating your files.


Hi, I had a new dialogue box pop up on me this evening, allowing me to select a villager to fill a position and gave me a list of the available villagers with their commute times. I got very excited, but couldn’t get it to appear again. I can’t see anything about this in the patch notes, is it a live function I don’t know how to use, or did I just catch a glimpse of the future? The ability to allocate villagers to jobs based on their commute time would be a game-changer, so I hope the future’s not too far off.

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Only had that happen when I’ve run out of labourers… clicked on “Fill Position” and the game’s responded with “Um… like who am I supposed to use?” But it shows the UI already has the interface to support direct employment assignment.