Farthest Frontier v0.9.6 + Hotfixes



  • Fixed an issue with missing blocked area visualization on the updated placement grid.
  • Fixed an issue with missing bear spawns.



  • Fixed an issue that prevents boars and wolves from respawning at dens.
  • Fixed an issue where mature trees were not considered mature thus preventing them from being harvested at work camps.
  • Fixed an issue where units could become duplicated in the Barracks/Military Stable window.
  • Fixed an issue where the Misc tab of building windows could become permanently collapsed.
  • Fixed an issue where the recruitment window would not reflect actual soldier counts.
  • Fixed an issue where the recruitment window could not be opened without first reopening the Barracks/Military Stable window.
  • Fixed an issue where Desirability was incorrectly calculated for some buildings upon first loading a save.
  • Fixed an issue where excavation site ruins could be constructed over once they are excavated without first clearing them.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Resource Window tooltips could overlap with their target element, covering it up, when using UI scaling.
  • Fixed an issue where grazing area outlines could become permanently stuck on screen.
  • Fixed some issues with strings used for describing reasons for villager death.


  • Building placement grid is now larger to accommodate lining up your structures over longer distances.
  • Fixed an issue where raids could become skipped for up to the first 12 years based on population growth.
  • Fixed some instances of placeholder sounds playing for victory/defeat fanfare. Sorry, the sad trombone wasn’t real (wah, wah, wah, waaaaaah).
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect raid victory/defeat fanfare would be displayed in some cases.



  • Fixed an issue where Storage Limits UI could be accessed from within the Market window. Storage Limits do not work with Markets and this was non-functional.


  • Food Upgrade requirements are now disabled for Shelters when Villager Hunger is disabled in custom game options.
  • Archers now correctly carry their bows/crossbows when idle, rather than axes.



  • Fixed an issue where resources would stop displaying in various storage buildings (ex. no food shown in the Root Cellar).
  • Fixed an issue where soldier info in the Barracks/Military Stable could end up squished.
  • Fixed an issue where villager death notifications would not display the correct information in non-English localizations.
  • Fixed an issue where retreating soldiers would not run back to their garrison.
  • Fixed an issue where expanding a 5x5 field to 10x10 would not increase the farmer count.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate flags on the Guild House.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forager priorities would reset after loading.
  • Fixed missing tooltip info on the button spoilage section of the Resources UI.


  • Buildings no longer lose Structural Integrity (and thus require maintenance) when in Free Build mode.

This hotfix should address reported issues with the save directory migration.

If you are still experiencing issues on v0.9.6a, then please report them to us. You can also try the following workarounds (but still let us know!):

Table of Contents
Major New Features


[Major New Features]

  • In order to alleviate numerous reported issues involving Windows OneDrive, we have made the decision to migrate the save directory to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier. Upon launching the game for the first time in v0.9.6, you will be prompted that a one-time data migration will be performed. If your system does not have sufficient space on that drive, you will receive a warning and the process will exit. Note: the Saved Games directory can be relocated to any drive on your PC by right-clicking it and selecting Properties.
  • Advanced Custom Game options are now available so you can cater your experience just the way you want it with options such as free build mode, separate raider and hostile animal settings, and more!
  • The Forager Shack can now be upgraded to a Forager Garden, which allows you to plant foraged goods of your choice, depending on what is available in your settlement’s biome.
  • Your settlement’s advancements and combat victories (and defeats) are now commemorated with proper fanfare.
  • Losing all villagers now triggers a defeat condition.
  • Many elements of the game have been enhanced with new audio. Villagers now have spoken VO when selected and commanded.
  • Ukrainian Localization has been added to the game. You can select it in the language options from the main menu.

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  • The latest optimization pass should result in improved framerates for most users. In our internal tests, we observed improvements of as much as 25% increased framerates. As always, these results will vary based on your system specs and settlement size.
  • Building windows have been optimized to remove performance spikes when selecting buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where military units could reacquire a target when ordered to retreat.
  • Fixed an issue where Veterancy would display lower than intended on first load. This was a display issue only.
  • Fixed an issue where you could train more soldiers than you have gold for while the game is paused.
  • Fixed an issue where you could pay off an invading army while transferring gold, resulting in no gold being deducted.
  • Fixed an issue where eggs produced by Chicken Coops also counted towards milk production in the annual report.
  • Roads can no longer be built over Graveyard build sites.

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  • The currently active Immigration quest can now be viewed again from the top left critical notifications.
  • A new button has been added to the bottom left HUD that allows you toggle all of the available overlays, including animal grazing and fruit fertility.
  • Book Binders, Guildmasters, and Librarians now correctly require a basic education.
  • Boars now spawn from dens, similar to Wolves, that are non-hostile by default. You can manually command your villagers to clear out these dens to permanently remove a boar spawn from your territory.
  • Hunters, Foragers, and Nightsoilmen now multitask more efficiently before returning to their respective work building.
  • Targeting sensitivity for commanding military units has been made more accurate.
  • Laborer and Builder counts in the Professions window now display recommended values in the tooltip.
  • Foods now display their spoilage time in the detailed tooltip.
  • Hunger display for villagers now shows how close they are to starving, rather than a measure of their food variety. The tooltip for the hunger meter now displays how many different foods the villager has had access to recently.
  • New options have been added to the Trading Post UI, allowing you to sell as many of an item as the merchant can afford to buy, and to buy and stock as many of an item as your Trading Post can afford to purchase.
  • New notifications now provide advanced warning that raiders are preparing to field more powerful units, such as Battering Rams and Horsemen.
  • Missing resources needed for production are now highlighted in the building window.
  • Relics related to combat no longer appear on Pacifist difficulty.

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  • Barrels are now prioritized to Root Cellars, then Granaries, then Markets, and finally Storehouses. Barrel delivery can now be toggled off at a building.
  • Forager Shack now has additional settings to prioritize which goods within their work area they gather first.
  • Small Plazas can now be placed beneath fences, walls, and gates.

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This is great, now they make more sense late game, and less pita to manage.



This looks great! Thanks for the update. Just in time to build a bunch of settlements during the holidays.

After 0.96 update I am not able to play the game. It requires to transfer folder from one drive onto save games folder. When I do so and try to turn on the game, it says migration failed and then game shuts down. What can I do?

Follow the steps in here:

This hotfix should address reported issues with the save directory migration.

If you are still experiencing issues on v0.9.6a, then please report them to us. You can also try the following workarounds (but still let us know!):

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Hotfix v0.9.6b has just gone live to address recently reported issues:



  • Fixed an issue where resources would stop displaying in various storage buildings (ex. no food shown in the Root Cellar).
  • Fixed an issue where soldier info in the Barracks/Military Stable could end up squished.
  • Fixed an issue where villager death notifications would not display the correct information in non-English localizations.
  • Fixed an issue where retreating soldiers would not run back to their garrison.
  • Fixed an issue where expanding a 5x5 field to 10x10 would not increase the farmer count.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate flags on the Guild House.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forager priorities would reset after loading.
  • Fixed missing tooltip info on the button spoilage section of the Resources UI.


  • Buildings no longer lose Structural Integrity (and thus require maintenance) when in Free Build mode.



  • Fixed an issue where Storage Limits UI could be accessed from within the Market window. Storage Limits do not work with Markets and this was non-functional.


  • Food Upgrade requirements are now disabled for Shelters when Villager Hunger is disabled in custom game options.
  • Archers now correctly carry their bows/crossbows when idle, rather than axes.
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Hi, I was wondering if there are plans for the custom game set ups to be able to remove the tier restrictions for buildings like the free build mode, but still keep the costs to build them? That way it still plays like the normal game but you can take advantage of the town’s location and specialise your town’s production. Eg, if you were building a town in a forested area you could focus the economy/town around lumber mills and building furniture to sell. thanks

Seit v0.9.6b erhöht sich sprunghaft die Anzahl der benötigten Bauarbeiter auf über 400 von 1600 Bewohnern. Alle Arbeiten kommen zum Erliegen weil nur noch Erhaltungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt werden. Das passiert wenn ein neues Jahr beginnt, aber auch unterjährig spontan. Wenn ich eine sofortige Reparatur bei Gebäuden anstoße passiert aber nichts. Im Zweifelsfall verfallen diese obwohl ausreichend Bauarbeiter angezeigt werden. So ist das Spiel nichtmehr spielbar. Zumindest bei mir.

Hast du ein neues Spiel begonnen, oder einen alten Spielstand weitergespielt? Ich hab gestern einen alten von 0.9.5 mal kurz angespielt und nichts bemerkt von dem, was du hier beschreibst.

Ich spiele einen alten Spielstand. Erst jetzt werden die Stadtmauern beständig repariert was die vielen Kräfte bindet. Aber auch nachdem ich alle Mauern entfernt habe und zwischenzeitlich bei ca. 20 benötigten Bauarbeitern war springt der Bedarf schlagartig auf über 400 bleibt dort eine Zeit und fällt schlagartig wieder auf 40. Auch bekomme ich die Meldung das mir Bauarbeiter fehlen obwohl die Spielanzeige sagt ich habe ausreichend Arbeiter zur Verfügung.

I think we can create a thief mode. Thieves will not attack, so they will not be discovered. They often go back secretly with people who are working out, and go to important places to destroy buildings or steal materials. You need to send one or two soldiers. Come and garrison.可惜我上传不了优美的步兵把守图片

Hi, the upgraded hunter cabin hunters do not hunt anymore! Please help! Not running any mods and I’m on v0.9.6c

Did you set a limit for tallow or meat?



  • Fixed an issue that prevents boars and wolves from respawning at dens.
  • Fixed an issue where mature trees were not considered mature thus preventing them from being harvested at work camps.
  • Fixed an issue where units could become duplicated in the Barracks/Military Stable window.
  • Fixed an issue where the Misc tab of building windows could become permanently collapsed.
  • Fixed an issue where the recruitment window would not reflect actual soldier counts.
  • Fixed an issue where the recruitment window could not be opened without first reopening the Barracks/Military Stable window.
  • Fixed an issue where Desirability was incorrectly calculated for some buildings upon first loading a save.
  • Fixed an issue where excavation site ruins could be constructed over once they are excavated without first clearing them.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Resource Window tooltips could overlap with their target element, covering it up, when using UI scaling.
  • Fixed an issue where grazing area outlines could become permanently stuck on screen.
  • Fixed some issues with strings used for describing reasons for villager death.


  • Building placement grid is now larger to accommodate lining up your structures over longer distances.
  • Fixed an issue where raids could become skipped for up to the first 12 years based on population growth.
  • Fixed some instances of placeholder sounds playing for victory/defeat fanfare. Sorry, the sad trombone wasn’t real (wah, wah, wah, waaaaaah).
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect raid victory/defeat fanfare would be displayed in some cases.

10 posts were split to a new topic: Trading Prices Discussion



  • Fixed an issue with missing blocked area visualization on the updated placement grid.
  • Fixed an issue with missing bear spawns.

I tell you one thing this game runs so much smoother than it did 6months ago, that is for sure!


I think what could help make the game feel more personalized is if you could switch Meters to Feet Units. That would be a nice touch.