Fashion Dawn

The Messenger of Korvaak !!


Crown of Thorns


Black Legion juggernaut !

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Awesome, I tried this look a few times (plate armor knight) but didn’t succeed.
Maybe consider one of these maces unless you like the current contrast.

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thanks :slight_smile: well Ill try them… name of items…my spiky maces are all gloving…strangely ı dont have simple ones!!!

I have all illusions from GD Stash. Did you mean this one?

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thnaks ıll update soon :pray:

Black Legion juggernaut ! Updated !!! thanks to tqFan :slight_smile:

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Why is it so flashy? Isn’t it because of the augment?
I would use another weapon without augment with the same illusion just for the photo :wink:

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wow ı didnt know that so gloving because I use augment!!! hımm …thanks again .ı’ll update later XD

You could also use darker AoM background from here [Request] Main Menu Selection
(installation is easy - just copying some files that you can delete later easily)

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Meet “Quinn Godsbane”

A Templar Knight who has a very inflated Mighty opinion of himself!
He thinks he is so Mighty that he is destined to be immortalised into the Grim Dawn’s ballad hall of fame with songs about him.

“Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn”

We will see how his envisaged legendary aspirations end when he comes face to face with the dreaded Callagadra.

That outcome will decide on his history being renowned as the “Mighty Quinn”, or as just another failed Grim Dawn “Refugee” that will require a reason and motivation for him to come back to the fight after such a major Heartbreaker event of failure.

“Somewhere, somehow somebody
Must have kicked you around some
Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped
Tied up, taken away and held for ransom
It don’t really matter to me
Everybody’s had to fight to be free
You see you don’t have to live like a refugee (don’t have to live like a refugee)
I said you don’t have to live like a refugee (don’t have to live like a refugee)
You don’t have to live like a refugee (don’t have to live like a refugee), ah, ah”

Long live the music of the Dawn :grim_dawn:



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                                                  Aether Paladin



Aether Oblivion Paladin?

Amazing. I needed to stole the idea ASAP

Nope, a different, more creative one and also not using Bonemonger set :wink:

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Actually I used that one aswell in my DK :smiley: Though since I never bothered to remove background, adding effects etc your’s look more detailed and cooler.

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I like your cyan one better.

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