Fashion Dawn



Ome of Haron, the Incinerator, Purger of the Unclean, Heart of the Furnace (fire FoI Purifier)

Oops, wrong Purifier. I meant this one.


Then again, though, is it really the wrong Purifier?





Morwul the Black (Alkamos + Morgoneth Vit/Cold Reaper)

I remember when I was young and Diablo 2 was coming out, one of the preview articles for it in a gaming magazine had this picture of a necromancer.
This was, obviously, absolute bullshit. Even in vanilla D2 you wouldn’t put a flail in your necro’s hand if your life depended on it. But since that moment, I’ve wanted to make a Combat Necro, a necromancer focused on melee.

When AoM was announced, Morwul was the very first character I theorycrafted cause goddamnit I’m gonna make me a melee necro and you can’t stop me! Only now did I get around to finishing it for endgame.

As a Necromancer, Morwul was pursued throughout the Erulan Empire. When caught, instead of the chopping block he was sent to the Luminari for “reconditioning”, and then given over the the Black Legion, as his combat prowess made him an asset too useful to simply execute. It wasn’t long until his mastery of spirit magic allowed him to break free of the mental subjugation imposed by the Luminari. After the Grim Dawn, when the Black Legion at Homestead voted in favour of the Kymon’s Chosen instead of the Order of Death’s Vigil, Morwul went rogue. Alone, without purpose, stumbling from rejection to persecution all his life, he fell to despair and nihilism. Drawn to the Korvan lands by a mystical power, he uncovered the Tomb of the Heretic and there, gave himself freely to the call of Yugol. He now stalks the Shattered Realm, not in hunt for the mysteries within, but as a guardian of the one to drown all in darkness. His helmet conceals no face any longer, for Morwul is now nothing, but a black void.

On a less serious note, thanks Crate for making all the Morgoneth portals blue and black. Doesn’t trigger my conditioned responses at all. I totally don’t automatically try to walk through them every damn time as I play…


Fashion is pretty good but I love when people add little stories to their char! :+1:t3:

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that looks really frickin gorgeous :hushed:

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“This was, obviously, absolute bullshit. Even in vanilla D2 you wouldn’t put a flail in your necro’s hand if your life depended on it.”
That’s actually not true. One of the best base item for runeword Heart of the wild is… Flail :slight_smile: commonly used by summon necro

maybe he was talking about classic D2 without LOD addon which had no runewords :thinking:

Ackchually :nerd_face:… it is called Heart Of The Oak (aka HOTO) and Flail is the only base for it… unless you wanna go 2H but no one in their right mind does that.

Damn, all those old memories popping up.
And Enigma for teleporting … *sigh

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alright enough off-topic, here’s some quick fashion from some recent characters


edit: Not sure if I already posted this one before. One of my current fashion favs, also probably one of my strongest builds (lightning archon)


Sure thing HOTO it is. Could be adv form pre-LOD d2…

Zoerthos (Aether PRM Mage Hunter)

Or, well (Orwell??), this is what I’d like him to look like. Unfrlbrbly (that’s right!), the BiS weapon for the character is a pistol so…

Yup, the successor to Aleksander, Grand Arcanist of the Silver Tower (if there still is a Silver Tower), donning robes and carrying scrolls of unimaginable power, is carrying a pistol around cause evaporating people with a thought seems somehow the lesser option than fumbling around with a gun when shit hits the fan. My head cannon (sic) is, gun for when he runs out of energy, Spaghetti’s Replicating Missles for when he runs out of ammo. Aether-infused stern looks for when he runs out of both and the opponent isn’s male (so aether boots to the crotch won’t do the trick). Ok maybe that final bit isn’t quite canon.

This was the first full caster character I theorycrafted when I started playing GD, except he was a Sorcerer. When AoM came out, I modified him using a char editor to switch him to a Mage Hunter. I think I screwed up at some point and gave him too many points in Inquisitor, and there was no way to respec mastery points without tools at the time, so I took that opportunity to relevel him from scratch as a Mage Hunter the honest way. So this is the only character I’ve levelled twice :smiley:


Born and raised in harsh cold conditions, the name was inspired by wraiths that often carry coldness inside them (and some vitality). :cold_face:

Battle ready with Empyrions’ gun itself… this commando likes no witnesses.


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This is most of my catwalk, but I have more works in progress. A rule in all my Fashion Dawns is that every piece of armor MUST come from a different set. Considering that, I think these belong here. I’m proud of them.


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Yvrae (crit/Upheaval Elementalist…do NOT try this at home kids)

Seemed appropriate in both flavour and colour scheme to give her the Bounty Hunter’s Hat, considering she specialises much more in sniping high value targets than battling hordes. The volatile nature of lightning feels like a good fit for a crit-based all or nothing gunner, so rather than going for a full-on stealthy bounty hunter or sniper look, I emphasised the lashing electricity.

Edit: removed most of the complaints about the build cause 1) this is not the place for build discussion and 2) I FINALLY got it to work (kiiinda) after two full days of tinkering.


Lothram (Dreeg set Cabalist)

Just a minor update to a fashion I uploaded nearly a year ago. Turns out, in 5.2k hours of play I’ve never found the Dunefiend helmet. Had to craft it myself to get it when I finally realised. This seemed like the perfect build to celebrate it on. Feels nicely spiky and just…Dreegy.


Jurvo Malas (Acid RF Dervish)

As any proper assassin, this guy is just straight rude. As if having a sword in your back didn’t ruin your day enough, it just HAD to be dripping in poison too. Like you weren’t dead enough already?!

Built the entire fashion around the shoulders cause there’s absolutely no chance I’m making a poison stabby stab stab kinda guy without those gorgeous venom vials front and centre.