Feature request: Grazing area rotations

It’s entirely possible that this is not possible with Farthest Frontier’s tech, but it feels like it would fit with 9.5’s focus on revamped farming, and there isn’t a live single-issue thread for it at the moment.

I’d really like to have a way to rotate grazing areas in sync with crops. When the town is small, if I have livestock, I will make fields sized for grazing areas and assign animals to rotate through grazing on them. It helps with fertility and maintenance, especially since a compost pile initially doesn’t fill even one box until a very long time has gone by. As the town gets bigger, however, I stop doing this, because I have other things I’m paying attention to and I frequently forget to actually move the grazing area(s) before they start eating my crops.

I’m flexible in my opinions of how to do this. If the only option is that I can have the grazing area centered on one or another field, for example, that’s good enough for me. I’d just like to keep it part of my farming rotations.

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