Feedback - Cataclysm set

I gave the example with two builds using Cata
Both are average, far away from truly powerful builds

And I imagine neither are dead in the water because 0.5 seconds has been added to one of their many procs.

The question is why? No one uses Cata. What the reason of this changes?

I’ve used it. I don’t think it needed a nerf, but I think it’s a viable candidate for Quick Jacks if you’re not using Invoker’s.

I offered one possible reason for the nerf in the stun on the proc. Another might be a consistency change - perhaps other procs like it are 2s cd or more and Cata was brought in line with them as a result. Another sneaking suspicion I have is that this is a nerf due to the Band of Eternal Pyre ring, which could result in this proc potentially doing a hell of a lot of Fire Damage, especially when coupled with our new Oathkeeper boi.

I’m as clueless as you are about why this nerf happened, but my real curiosity is why this is so important to the lot of you.

Considering that it is a lvl 94 set, I still think that a 25% dps increase on the proc would be more useful than a 33% increased duration on CC that only works against trash mobs that die fast anyway.

Because there are so many things to work on, and this nerf isn’t a paramount task
I made thread about Arcanist with examples and proofs, lots of well-known builders and Praetorians agreed that Arcanist needs buffs
And mr Z nerfed Cata with new hotfix


i think same as you %90 of the time and seriously dont like last shape of forum at all. w/e you are abit wrong here.

this set uses 3 valuable slots with potential +3 all skills, you can use offhand with +1, belt with +1, amulet with +1

also whole set is not even strong outside of +max res it provides and proc was just medicore not even mindblowing things.

i am thinking so hard but cant understand any simple reason to nerf this set, current nerfs will make super duper low difference of your dmg output or clear times but still nerfing something to sake of nerf, not deserved.

@dmt : try new setup with iskandra offhand, it has kinda relaible -%15 rr proc if they dont revert this change and it really hurts your build.

The best part of this thread is everyone being unable to decipher USER_NAME’s posts despite them being perfectly fine grammatically.

I honestly think Z. just saw a video of Ludrigan Vindicator using that set and it’s a collateral nerf. There is no logical reason for it otherwise.

John’s build? We (playtesters) considered that but John only used the offhand, no?

There was a video floating somewhere that used full Cataclysm set. It certainly was in our Discord, because it was made by one of our guys (who actually inspired John to make a build). I might be wrong about it being on forums, not sure.

That was my setup. John tested my setup ant do his own. But ludrigan+cata was slower then pure ludrigan.
AND cata was nerfed.