[Feedback] Efficiency of RR debuffs and their unfairness

I’m pretty sure that’s a you-issue for refusing to play something (allegedly) suboptimal.

Also, aren’t Infiltrators the “hot jazz” these days?

This perhaps is a subject for a different thread, but I was (very) recently in a similar downspell with Grim Dawn as well, so much so that I was hairs away from stepping down from my Discord-moderator role and wanting to retire from the Discord in general. I put together a wacky Bleed build using 2x Chillhearts for the Damage Amp to Ring of Steel/Circle of Slaughter and decided to GDStash it together. I then did a bit of Nemesis hunting and killed Kuba and Grava, but not without substantial kiting. Because I couldn’t facetank them, I got to thinking that the build was crap, which then led me to thinking that GD’s realm for creativity was dying, that the game had changed, etc. etc. Basically what you wrote.

But after a few days of thinking on it, I arrived at the conclusion that the game hadn’t really changed much at all - my expectations for my performance in it, however, had. I just downed Kuba and Grava, two Nemeses that used to tear me a new asshole in the early days of AoM’s release (granted, they’ve been decently nerfed since then, but they’re still far more dangerous than any non-Super in the base game). Why should I be disappointed with that performance?

So some other build can get higher numbers, lower crucible times, etc. You know what, though? Being on the brink of death a few times but pulling out alive with that memey Bleed Build was exhilarating and far more fun than I’d ever have had with an IT Warlord that stood in the face defiant of everything. Are Warlords probably unanimously better than my Bleed Build? Without question. But looking back on it, Chillheart Bleed is a far more enjoyable experience.