yup non shield oppressor would be nice if it was improved so that vitality builds could pick it up also, especially melee vitality, i mean you could pick it up atm but its a very poor source of flat rr.
you are not wrong, its so easy to get high oa and da values on warlord, actually quite easy on any soldier combo. warlord is still one of the strongest classes, and not just for retaliation. They are amazing with markovians, warborn with shield, dual wield etc. etc. they are just so easy to build.
When i was planning the best “retal -> attack” build, i suddenly came up with oppressor, not Warlord: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrPylj2
Couldnt find anything THAT good with Righteous Fervor…
Censure is actually pretty great source of RR,but numbers were decreased over and over again.So my choice for best is Veil of shadow.
I dislike complex builds with lots of keys and there’s nothing worse than pushing multiple keys to get RR.Guardians are almost perfect,except in Crucible waves where you fight both trash and bosses,they deal small damage and sometimes are just hitting 10 second straight same yellow mob.And using pet command is really distracting.So they’re not as good as you think.
CoF is underrated.Only problem are numbers,but duration and radius are good.Also excellent devotion procer.
yeah im the same, simple builds are more fun because then i can focus more on the fight rather than juggling a heap of keybinds. pet command is probably one of 3 keys so not too bad. Agreed that veil is best debuff, its instant which is one of the reasons that infiltrators, blademaster etc. do so much damage so quickly.
It isn’t enough, though, nor should it be. The first three masteries (Soldier, Occultist, Demolitionist) are very “pick up and play” sort of masteries. You take the general buffs/debuffs, you take a primary damage source, boom, you’ve got a build rolling. Nightblades and Arcanists are intentionally more advanced and require more thought to put together (in theory, at least; in practice Nightblades are kinda mindless nowadays too). I’m not fully aware of the specific intentions with the Inquisitor and Necromancer, but my guess is that Inquisitor was a stab at another advanced mastery and Necromancer was to be a “pick up and play” pet mastery - whether this is how they turned out is a different story.
The point being, some stuff is supposed to be easier to think through than others in Grim Dawn. That is entirely by design. That you’ve finally identified that aspect of the game’s design is not indicative of an inherent imbalance between any two (or more) masteries.
TL;DR Close the seven hundred grimtools tabs that I have open that you’re using and play the game.
The game already got too boring to me after FG hit. I literally feel like all the uniqueness the game had is now gone. This game has become a racing game instead of an ARPG, and every build posted now looks like it’s meant to be super competitive. I’ve never posted any feedback by just looking at GT, because I’ve never considered it right. Warlords have everything a player would need, and knowing that I can basically achieve everything with one class just takes out the fun from me. That being said, I had massive fun in AoM, because I knew I can make a build that can do Mogdrogen, but can’t do shit vs. Ravager and the opposite, now, in FG, I know I can pick a Warlord, put all my attribute points into physique, having over 3.5k armor and over 20% physical resist and just go vs. anything I want. An IT Warlord can do everything using only one hand, and I’ve seen someone playing IT Warlord in killing Crate, Ravager, Callagadra no problem. So why would I even play when every time I theorycraft a build to kill Crate or Callagadra I end up with a Warlord build? I try to make a Tactician, but Oathkeeper would give me more, I try a Dervish, but Soldier would give me more, and this is how it always goes. I do not see any variety in GD anymore.
I’m pretty sure that’s a you-issue for refusing to play something (allegedly) suboptimal.
Also, aren’t Infiltrators the “hot jazz” these days?
This perhaps is a subject for a different thread, but I was (very) recently in a similar downspell with Grim Dawn as well, so much so that I was hairs away from stepping down from my Discord-moderator role and wanting to retire from the Discord in general. I put together a wacky Bleed build using 2x Chillhearts for the Damage Amp to Ring of Steel/Circle of Slaughter and decided to GDStash it together. I then did a bit of Nemesis hunting and killed Kuba and Grava, but not without substantial kiting. Because I couldn’t facetank them, I got to thinking that the build was crap, which then led me to thinking that GD’s realm for creativity was dying, that the game had changed, etc. etc. Basically what you wrote.
But after a few days of thinking on it, I arrived at the conclusion that the game hadn’t really changed much at all - my expectations for my performance in it, however, had. I just downed Kuba and Grava, two Nemeses that used to tear me a new asshole in the early days of AoM’s release (granted, they’ve been decently nerfed since then, but they’re still far more dangerous than any non-Super in the base game). Why should I be disappointed with that performance?
So some other build can get higher numbers, lower crucible times, etc. You know what, though? Being on the brink of death a few times but pulling out alive with that memey Bleed Build was exhilarating and far more fun than I’d ever have had with an IT Warlord that stood in the face defiant of everything. Are Warlords probably unanimously better than my Bleed Build? Without question. But looking back on it, Chillheart Bleed is a far more enjoyable experience.
High end build making in literally any modern ARPG I know is like this. If there’s something to compete in people will compete. Back in vanilla we competed on who’s the fastest BoC farmer and Fabius killer and who’s most creative with scarce conversions we had back then (Chthon’s aether witchblade is just )
Welcome to internet. It was invented for the sole purpose of doing phallos competitions.
Only less than 1% of all players posts their builds on the forums anyways so why should you care about what other people are doing?
I’ve actually never made a competitive build, or any super optimized one that could do X. My builds, even though some of them look like they are meant to be competitive etc, are just boxes with stuff I like. I made an Octavius Tactician before FG, everyone would say now “and he says he doesn’t make competitive builds…” - a tank with 1/1/Max forcewave, using Deadly Momentum, being a tank to make it more clear. But when I know there’s always something that does stuff better than any of my fun builds, it just is stupid to me because playing something I’d enjoy would always make me think there’s one build that would do that better, faster, easier. My most competitive build would be retaliation DE, but you know what? When I knew it’s broken as fuck, literally the most OP thing you can do in GD, I didn’t make it. I patiently waited for the nerfs, to see what people say, and the moment everyone said “retaliation DE is dead” I went to GT, made a build there, waited few more days, everyone kept saying the same, that it’s shit, I crafted it in GD and I realized it’s not shit at all, but as for me still super strong and would need a nerf (I posted a feedback on it a few months back), but it seems that Crate has it where it should be. I did have a ton of fun with it, but only because I was searching for flaws with that build. Then I took a break, theorycrafted some builds, but seeing that everyone just forgot about Warlords, and that racing is still a thing, I felt like it’s pointless to even bother playing, because the moment I’d post a build I like, everyone would be “how long 150-170?”, “can it do SR75?” etc. I was about to post some of my builds multiple times, but seeing that no one here cares about fun builds just assured me this game is not about fun at all.
It’s a nice idea of what build to make. I see a mortar trap build, I think I wanna do one myself, I see a Warlord, I know I wanna uninstall GD, I see a cold Stun Jacks build, I want to re-install GD, but then I see a Warlord again or get reminded of it and I quit again. The fact someone says they did SR75 with X build, and I have the same build idea crafted already makes me wanna sit on that build till I figure out how to do SR75 or even higher, then it ends up being a totally not fun build. It’s like I feel I did something wrong, and therefore my build is quite trash, but fun, and then I make it super good but it loses its charm.
I think it’s just that everyone has different definition of fun and for many regulars of this forum it happens to be crucible/SR efficiency. If you can have your own fun in playing this game, then why should you care about other people being different?
I don’t play crucible too due to it being too stressful to me, but I’m perfectly fine with SR and felt quite happy when I pushed to SR 75. I have completely no idea how my build will perform in crucible, but that didn’t stop me from posting my build, and I also had a lot of fun writing my build post.
So I think it’s quite simple: just have fun. It’s easier than calculating 123+456 because you don’t even need brain to do that.
Well the way i see it there are alot of ‘pseudo’ choices in grim dawn. You can come up with any builds you like but if you really want a solid build which can smash out endgame content then your choices become much more limited.
I also think warlord exists almost as an easy to build class for new players which will attract them into the game. Then again oathkeeper paired with almost anything it makes some of the strongest builds in the game (maybe except for templar lol).
I do think that there is alot of elitism on these forums, even though people would never recognise themselves as one or admit to it. you gotta do X in X minutes or your build is useless is a strong impression i get from these forums but thats probably just me.
I admit, I CONFESS! I am a GDstashing lazy forum elitist snob
That is why i make all these detailed beginner guides with videos and stuff - I want everyone to become just as elitist as myself one beutiful day
You might want to do a PhD then, maybe in computer science because I don’t know how it feels like in other fields. Then you’ll find people in this forum super friendly and reasonable. They don’t even reject your build submission to the compendium for some absurd reasons like “you failed to apply illusions to your character, builds without proper illusions are notably inferior in terms of visual attractiveness and thus has no place in real-world applications”.