Included TL;DR
It’s been bugging me for a huge while now, basically when I first saw the values of Guardian’s of Empyrion.
- Curse of Frailty is a debuff that doesn’t do anything aside of making the enemy weaker, downside of it is that you have to cast it in order to get -30% vitality, acid, elemental, -25% physical and -50% bleeding RR.
- Thermite mines are quite painful to cast, giving -40% elemental, aether and chaos RR.
- Veil of Shadows and Aura of Censure are buffs that debuff your enemies, both are cast once giving us OA, total speed reduction, -30% pierce, cold and poison RR, 103 cold damage per second and 120 fire damage, 20% disruption, 15% damage reduction and -30% elemental RR, which has literally no downside.
- Devouring Swarm and World of Pain are similar to CoF, giving -60% vitality and -40% bleeding RR, dealing 65 vitality and 50 bleeding damage and -25% pierce, aether and chaos RR and 109 elemental damage (ignoring the first two nodes).
- Wind Devils need to be cast to deal (ignoring main skill) 150 cold damage, applying 25% slow and -35% elemental RR.
- Spectral Binding requires you to get hit in order to reduce the enemy vitality and aether resist by -33% and physical resist by -25%, dealing 44 vitality and 60 aether damage and reducing attack speed by 18%.
- Guardians of Empyrion are required to cast at least once, dealing 124 fire damage, applying -35% bleeding, fire, physical or bleeding, vitality and acid RR. There’s no downside whatsoever because you don’t even have to remember to use them at all.
All in all (using shortcuts and following my list up there from top to bottom):
- Cast defbuffs: CoF, TM, DS, WoP
- Summon debuffs: WD
- Permanent debuffs: VoS, AoC, SB, GoE
- Cast debuffs are basically equal. All are practically equal, some are clunky to use but in the end they do what they should do and their strengths are basically equal.
- Summon debuffs: Wind Devil could be compared to Guardian’s of Empyrion, but they’re completely different skills as one has to be spam-used and another not.
- Permanent debuffs: they are equal since they all do something different and their strengths are easily comparable, aside of Guardians of Empyrion.
RR efficiency on each skill:
- Elemental, acid, pierce, chaos and aether – Every debuff has the same efficiency in this part. Every skill has the same amount or a small touch lower, but they have something to compensate for that.
- Vitality and bleeding – They are rather wildly different, but in the end Devouring Swarm, even though has more RR, is harder to use and has less AoE (straight line) , is the strongest for Vitality only because of the enormous 60% RR. The 6 more skill points you have to use on it is not even a big deal at this point.
- Physical – both Curse of Frailty and Spectral Binding have 25% and require some action to be used. One needs to be cast, the other requires you to get hit. However, even though SB needs a target to hit you, it’s slightly worse than CoF (12 seconds CoF and 5 seconds SB - duration). All in all, SB has a nice AS debuff to make it better. Guardians of Empyrion have 35% physical RR and are available all the time, you only have to use it once and you walk around with 35% RR, while other skills that require you to break your DPS chain in order to increase it. Every skill/proc/whatever in the game has lower physical value. Mark of Assassin is 32% on crit for 18 seconds, CoF is 25% for 12, SB is 25% for 5 and GoE are 35% forever (while in range).
- Guardians of Empyrion is the most broken physical RR debuff in the game. There’s no way DA shred, AoE, duration or AS slow can compensate for that. A walking permanent 35% RR will always be better no matter how you look at it - duration can be refreshed, but efficiency won’t be, attack speed slow won’t affect enemies so much and DA shred does in fact help, but it doesn’t increase your DPS more than an additional 10% RR.
– Assassin’s Mark has 18 seconds duration, but that doesn’t mean anything at all because you’ll always bind it to a skill you often use and you do not ever remember about how long it lasts, making it’s duration about 2 - 5 seconds (depending on how often you re-apply it).
– CoF, however, does benefit from the duration, since you have to cast it, breaking your DPS chain.
– Spectral Binding and Guardians need to be cast once, SB needs you to get hit, effectively requiring you to do more for a lesser effect.
- Vitality builds rather use Devouring Swarm for vitality RR, but for wave clearers CoF and Spectral Binding are way better because of the higher AoE. Efficiency is completely debatable.
- Guardian’s of Empyrion have the strongest physical RR in the game and are permanent. There’s not one skill that could even beat this skill by any means because neither AoE or secondary bonuses are stronger than the additional 10% RR. DA shred in CoF won’t increase your damage by 10%, 18% attack speed won’t increase your damage nor defense, it’ll only delay your pain, but 10% more physical RR will not only increase your damage but also defense, since the faster you kill something, the less damage you get.
- All other types of RR are easily comparable to each other, some a little less, some a little more, but in the end the efficiency is the same if we include all other bonuses the debuffs give us.