[Feedback] How to buff Trozan set

In hindsight I probably should make a new thread about those ideas. Too tired lol.

On second thought, I agree with Occultist being better than Nightblade for Skybreach:

  • Nightblade already works well for TSS with Mageslayer + Spectral Bludgeon.
  • Cold/Lightning blade spirits would be too similar to wind devils, both thematically and in terms of gameplay.

On the other hand, Occultist with a cold/lightning sigil would offer:

  • A user-controller positional spell with lifesteal and low CD. Good fit for TSS gameplay.
  • Additional physical resistance from Blood of Dreeg, allowing you to stand your ground within the sigil.
  • An effective Warlock set. (Not many of those, are there?)

The concept intrigues me enough that I might make a test mod over the weekend. @mad_lee, would you mind if I spun this thread off to expand on potential Occultist support?

i’d like it to support IEE instead of TSS :upside_down_face:

more seriously i voted Occultist because of the lack of support for Warlock, both ideas look great on paper :+1:

I wouldn’t mind, not at all! Occultist needs some love.

@Pareto at some point made a post about spammable TSS

I am not too keen on Lightning BS but Lightning Sigil sounds hella awesome. So maybe they can rework the set into a spammable TSS with support Cold\Lightning Sigil.
This would help differentiate it from other TSS sets and adds a unique playstyle to the game. People not too keen on TSS can just build around Cold\Lightning Sigil. So that’s two stones with one bird.

Test mod for Occultist support is up: Occultist support for Trozan's Skybreach (with test mod). Good news: warlock is pretty good; in fact I already like it better than Skybreach Druid.

(I posted it as a linked thread, but for some reason it doesn’t appear here.)

I don’t think that’s a good idea: Skybreach is the one TSS set that already works in terms of both gameplay and overall strength; redesigning it would be deleterious.

Spammable TSS makes sense for Iskandra because its single-skill support is currently rather awkward, but I wouldn’t want it in other sets.

Well that poll was profoundly unhelpful. :stuck_out_tongue:

I gotta say though, couldn’t you people pick a less awful skill to do alternate FX for? Sigil is such a pain in the ass…


That is super cool!!
Love it. Sigil need more love. Don’t forget to put some more support for fire sigil, Zantai… :wink:


My heart was with Nightblade’s support because I actually play Trozan/PB Spellbreaker, one of my older and my favourite builds. But my mind was for buffing Warlock with Trozan set, I am 100% sure that Warlocks need it more. Unless there is a way to make it a 4 mastery set ))

That Sigil looks fucking sick tho.

That looks nice. Finally a Warlock set that makes sense, never understood why Chaos and Aether were chosen for the existing sets when neither are supported by CoF. Really looking forward to test it.

I admit, that was what I leaned towards initially since that would basically support my favorite oldest character, but ultimately Occultist seemed like the better fit into the existing tapestry of gear.

Can’t complain.Occultist is underused for elemental casters and Nightblade is my favorite class,so win-win situation :grava_yes:

Thematically though, I think the set should support doom bolt. But I hate doom bolt and love sigil. So can’t complain…

for the love of Ch’ton, please, 1000 times no to Doom Bolt on Trozan

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I was on Team Nightblade, but ever since voting I’ve been wondering more and more whether Occultist just might have been the cooler option. Looks like that’s definitely the case after all. :grava_yes:

Hopefully it feels equally good to play.


I rather like the gameplay. A potential issue is that it’s pretty hard to make Sigil damage competitive with Wind Devils without lifesteal getting a bit out of kilter, but that’s mostly a matter of adjustment (and not necessarily a bad trade in the first place).

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Wow, it looks so cool! :partying_face:

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I am really liking all the latest GFX updates to spell effects. This one is also no exeception!

I thought this would go either way as Nightblade or Occultist would synchronise well with this set :smiley:

#morespelleffects, #morebuilddiversity, #alivegame, #onlydeadbuildsareopbuilds

Trozan Warlock then ? really looking forward to it :+1:

Chthon approves
No DB support on Trozan.

@Zantai Sigil looks fucking sick. Awesome job.