[Feedback] How to buff Trozan set

This is actually already done as part of a general sweep through all instances of Cold/Fire/Lightning resist on unique end-game gear (for the next update). In some cases, it was replaced at least with % Elemental Resist, or with new resists entirely. Where it made thematic sense, other resists were added or existing ones boosted.

Epics benefited from this in particular.

I’ll have to think about making Trozan’s a tri-class set.



Cold/Lightning sigil with meteors droppin’ on people’s heads sounds dope af. Sign me up.


I always wanted Trozan to have Nightblade / Blade Spirit support, so that’s a yup from me.

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Voted for occultist

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Skybreach is mostly fine, I find. Whether it’s too weak or inflexible relative to some of the (overtuned?) casters that were released later on, I couldn’t say.

Both this and Nightblade mastery support is something I’ve suggest myself, so I agree.

However, before adding a third mastery to a TSS set that already mostly works, please take a look at Allagast, which is in a pretty sorry state.

Allagast got couple of very strong Storm Box builds, mate. John Smith’s Aether Apostate and Jabrixone’s Lightning Vindicator.
I think Crate should just scrap TSS from Allagast and change it for something else. Because Storm Box Allagast builds work pretty well.

I’ll have to think about making Trozan’s a tri-class set.


+1 for nightblade support for it
Actually, in epoch of ancient (even before AoM) i made spellbreaker based on trozan’s set, and it was a hell lot of fun

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I meant Allagast for Storm Box + TSS specifically, of course. (I already know about Apostate and Vindicator for Storm Box, as well as Purifier – they’re all mentioned in the thread I linked.) It wouldn’t take that much to recover the concept, which is something I’d like to see.

Agree with you.We already have two sets focused around TSS.Third is redundant.And it’s Allagast,I know is aether,but the most important mod is to Storm Box.Why not CD and damage to Siphon Souls?

But TSS is meant to be with Trozan set!

Disagree on the “redudant”, Allagast has the most distinctive gameplay (and the most fun, for me). Meanwhile, it could be argued that Iskandra is an aether conversion set before being a TSS set, since you get stronger TSS with Skybreach.

Make allagast a unique flavor aether/lightning devastation set. Huge cool down reduction and a -target area mod but a large negative total damage mod. So when combined with some cdr it allows for some double cast opportunity. MOAR METEORS

Also occultist would be more fitting I think

You got a really nice idea, Madlee.
I voted for occultist support because I like sigil so much and warlock need love. You may want to convert sigil’s fire to cold/lightning also.

However, I will surely level a conjurer if this new trozan come out, not warlock. Lol…

while im thinking about devastation sets… for the love of god change the conversion on the diviner offhand.
the arcanist side of that set is so jack. it converts the fire to vit and gives flat vit… assuming the goal is dual damage vit aether devastaion. then the offhand converts some of the added flat vit to aether and removes the ability to try making a cool vitality devastation templar with cdr from path of the three and the solid vit rr of guardians. :rage:

In hindsight I probably should make a new thread about those ideas. Too tired lol.

On second thought, I agree with Occultist being better than Nightblade for Skybreach:

  • Nightblade already works well for TSS with Mageslayer + Spectral Bludgeon.
  • Cold/Lightning blade spirits would be too similar to wind devils, both thematically and in terms of gameplay.

On the other hand, Occultist with a cold/lightning sigil would offer:

  • A user-controller positional spell with lifesteal and low CD. Good fit for TSS gameplay.
  • Additional physical resistance from Blood of Dreeg, allowing you to stand your ground within the sigil.
  • An effective Warlock set. (Not many of those, are there?)

The concept intrigues me enough that I might make a test mod over the weekend. @mad_lee, would you mind if I spun this thread off to expand on potential Occultist support?

i’d like it to support IEE instead of TSS :upside_down_face:

more seriously i voted Occultist because of the lack of support for Warlock, both ideas look great on paper :+1:

I wouldn’t mind, not at all! Occultist needs some love.

@Pareto at some point made a post about spammable TSS

I am not too keen on Lightning BS but Lightning Sigil sounds hella awesome. So maybe they can rework the set into a spammable TSS with support Cold\Lightning Sigil.
This would help differentiate it from other TSS sets and adds a unique playstyle to the game. People not too keen on TSS can just build around Cold\Lightning Sigil. So that’s two stones with one bird.