Well, you have %phyz resist and a bunch of usefull resists on the set, its not as glassy as , say, old clairvoyant(RIP) Shieldbreaker look squishy on paper, but if you play is as caster you shouldnt take THAT much hits. Im litteraly sitting at nemesis face and litteraly taking all the blows. You can run it smooth if you keep distance. Lots of nukes for this class, lots of options.
And mana Pita, it was like that from start for Pyro and Commando. As shielbreacker you have at least some flat mana regen in the mastery, so its not that bad.
oh, i’m not saying it’s unplayable by any means, nor is it the glassiest build I’ve ever piloted, but IK casters and blightlord casters are glassy compared to a MH caster for example.
I can see the reason behind the call for wanting a defensive buff to IK set, i just think it’s entirely unnecessary. Especially when deathguard or rotgheist are still lightyears behind
i dunno mate. i found trouble sustaining BWC spam on a sorc with 10/10 mental alacrity.
I had to rely on arcane will + HP drain to keep me below 75% hp most of the time to get regen
When people feel the need to say “with all due respect” they mean exactly the opposite.
So OK let’s say my thoughts are lost in translation. This comment was regarding the discussion on the topic.
About BWC spam I tried it in Crucible. With Ulzuin buff you can sustain the cost with no problems. Otherwise it’s more difficult. Damage is also spread, so you have lot AoE than usual spamming build(come on you should’ve noticed it) but as usual you’re better to put BWC on CD.
The fact that Rah’zin, a well designed set, has similar issues to IK, a well designed set, in that they both lack OA/DA. Weaknesses such as these allow for nonset items to better compete with mainstream sets, though, granted, such nonset items do need to exist in the first place.
Dude, you keep saying that IK shieldbreacker is squishy and stuff like this. Its false. You play it wrong and assemble it wrong. Don`t blame the set for your own faults.
Rah`zin OA is irrelevant, as you can slap in Fevered rage and call it a day. Its also a dumpster state for Witchblade and witchhunters, as your %crit dmg is so low, its not worth to bother.
If someone need OA, there is flashbang. Maxed flashbang anyone? Oh wait, i forgot when i saw someone with more that one pointer in flashbang.
And BWC come with 250 DA reduction. Its not even low DA as you try to claim.
show me the mad man who would take Fevered Rage on chaos WH or (god, please, forgive me) chaos Witchblade? The latter is incredibly squishy, even comparing to WH.
Dude, the only thing that happen during these 8 monts is BUFFS. Everywhere. You slam same setup and i bet you finish it in sub 6 minutes w/o even looking at the screen.
I used to(and still will) take it always unless pox is a desperate DA booster (which it really never is). The key is to use it wisely and not just spam it blindly, if surrounded and such.
Hey I have played your both Witch Hunter and spam BWC
Let’s play guessing game and try to guess which is tankier. Hint I died 0 times with the RahZin build. But of course I am not crazy person to take fevered rage.
As for BWC Purifier, you don’t have leech abilities and your seal can’t go into high numbers like Stun Jacks build. I may try it as Shieldbreaker to see the difference. But I guess it’s gonna be glassy too without Seal, heal and Censure. And you don’t have much DA to make spirit dump for the energy regen, ouch!
But you can probably pick Tree of life to prove a point. Of course your damage is gonna fly away faster than offensive word from internet user
Lets play another game and guess who is tankier. A IK pury or Weirdboy pury wearing shit in every slot? with https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwmB1X2 this setup. Oh wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63KVrlKgfg0 weirdboy pury is completely viable and don`t die. I wonder if someone in this tread even TRY to kite and avoid dmg?
They both lack OA/DA, I agree. But they exist in completely different metas. Rah’Zin Witch Hunter is currently a very resilient and consistent melee archetype. Look at its itemization: it utilizes two Fangs of Ch’thon that has 12% adtch each AND 4% cdr. So while both sets lack stats Rah’Zin Witch Hunter naturally has much easier times with endgame content than IK Shieldbreaker. (Let’s pretend that there is no such thing as Rah’Zin Witchblade, because that shit is atrocious).
You really want to teach me how to make builds? Dude, please.
All the people who kept playing the game during those 8 months and assembling top-tier builds keep telling you the opposite yet you insist on the game being easy. Ok then.
LMAO, but sad thing is, it might be true. I am still waiting for Ptiro to post some kind of IK Commando wearing a shield and using Empyrion and Tree of Life saying something like “#l2playunoobs”
Well IK set is well known for it results and ability to deal with hardest content in the game. And suddently “top” builders can`t live w/o 5% phyz resist and 70 DA. I think you guys are bored .