Infernal Champion set is one of the old guards in Grim Dawn. It has been patched couple of times, and offensively it supports very strong Demolitionist mastery pretty well. Defensively and stat wise set is less than ideal.
4 items give in total 6-10% physical resist, 0 DA and no armor bonuses (and just ~54 OA on the whole set). Set bonuses are a bit dated as well: Bleeding resist and Reduction in Burn duration are almost useless, other bonuses are also less than exciting. Moreover, set occupies belt slot - one of the main sources of OA and DA for Demolitionists/Oathkeepers.
I recommend giving it around 5% more physical resist and 50-75 DA as set bonus.
As a player who posted two different Internal Champion builds and tried few others, I can say that defensive ability is always too low and certainly can use a buff. Yes set is strong , but it’s mainly because it’s support fine Demo/Oathkeeper fire class.
It is a bit fragile, the set is carried by improving the raw power of BWC/Thermites. Shieldbreakers with the set tend to struggle to get enough resists/OA/DA due to low amounts on the set itself.
This set is fine as it is. IRC, infernal commando did 150-170 naked when it was released.
If you strugle with shieldbreacker, l2p. Gid good, that it. Dont do spirit dumps, dont run with 2.2k DA and you will be fine.
The game just became easy. PPL run with weird builds that fall apart from chuppa puke and claim that one of top set don`t offer enough resistance. LOL.
Dude, i litteraly tested this old boy like 20 minutes ago, by doing 4 runs on one set of blessing w/o even looking at the screen.
Just because you guys are intro speed runs don`t mean its the only way to play the game.
Weird, I’d have thought a 5:45 time with 2850 DA was pretty sufficient for your build.
AoE casters don’t need to be omnipotent tanks, too. Every character/set should have its issues that player skill (piloting and theorycrafting) ought to be allowed to overcome, as Nery did.
Abstain. Evidence suggests the set is performing fine, but I personally do not like it so I wouldn’t mind a buff. However, its defensiveness has not been what I disliked about IK.
Dude, sorry, but your claims and examples show that you have clearly fallen out of the meta. First of all, game did not become easy. It became harder. There is a certain power creep with new strong sets and items, but it doesn’t mean that old sets suddenly became stronger too.
Secondly, as an example of IK build you presented hybrid purifier with 22/12 Censure, Inquisitor Seal, Conduit and additional adtch from melee (why do you have double ancient armor with 90% absorb, lol). Not every IK build has that.
I mean you can also post grimtools of Infernal Knight Commando wearing a shield with Empyrion in devotion map, but it doesn’t mean that the set doesn’t lack defensive stats.
Oh yeah? LIke its harder to find resistances in items? IRC, Wyrmscale footpads didn`t give anything outside OA/DA , now they give 50% stun res for free. Like you needed to pick elemental storm for flat RR, not its free 5 devotion points. Like everyone picked Solemn or Wolverine or both and now no one bother. Also 36 flat dmg from jewelry augments for free.
Game is so hard, i facetank 2 reapers and IM and some spear-wielding dummy with ~20% phyz res and 2k armor. Standing on 12/12 seal.
Dude, i litteraly run a IK chaos Pyro few patches ago. Guess what?
Did that became harder too? With free ADCTH on guardian gaze and free effective RR on everyone due to global chaos resistance reduction?
Tell me how can you fuck up a shieldbreacker that is focused around a kitting-friendly spells and come up with on-demand flat dmg reduction, on demand movement skill and have a imbued healing effect increase?
You just sick with speedruning and suggest unnececery stuff for set`s that are fine.
Again, so happy for you, but you are playing 22/12 Censure Purifier with a Conduit and melee support. How does example can even be extrapolated on rest of IK builds?
I know exactly how it plays. It has Sigil of Consumption, additional physical resist, 100% poison res (so you can overcap other res easier) and permanent damage absorption. It’s nothing like a Shieldbreaker.
You can’t be making “set is all right defensively” argument by giving examples of tankier archetypes that wear this set. Instead you should try and compare it to other caster sets to see where it stands.
What you don’t like then? Energy regeneration, skill points bonuses, OA?
But you can see my both builds GT have less DA(I use GD stash for maximum rolls) and still it’s not comfortable to achieve decent number. Also physical resistance have similar problem. It’s not hard for experience player to bypass this problem but why this exact set should be low on crucial stats?
As for game difficulty, it’s easier to play something from the meta, literally children’s play. But still people saying build steam rolled through content haven’t play some weird builds or builds without much end game gear. Obviously there’s natural progress of acquiring pieces that will push your build to the next level but still it’s tough to judge difficulty based on all end game gear and years of experience.
I think speedrunning is lot easier and theoryctafting for experience players it’s easier with all this specific gear and sets. But getting from leveling builds to farming SR/Crucible for newer players offers more difficult challenge by the game.
Again, i would like to see buffs to sets like deathguard before we go around tweaking IK set.
But on topic - i think IK set is fine the way it is - a stat deprived set with some awesome skill mods + procs.
Could it use a little more OA/DA? Sure. But I don’t think it’s crippled without it. AFAIK, it’s the only set which can let you 26/16 TM + 22/12 agonizing flames with ease for some massive RR.
My one complain with the IK set isn’t really related to the set itself so much so as it is related to BWC spam.