[Feedback] On pierce strength

Looking forward to all this balancing power being shifted to the array of pierce pistols available

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Oathbearer: Added aether damage modifier to blade spirits.


Have u ever calculate how many attack speed masterblade needs? Its too suck to removed attack speed on cutthroat. I am done with fixed the build again and agin becaude of these unblanced data change. If so, I will recommend people just just download version and stay in this version. I dont think people need to pay for these because of ur mistake.

It’s gonna be hard to download and stay in a version that doesn’t exist. lol

There’s a way using magic that’s forbidden in these parts.


I dunno about everybody else but if some rando “recommended” that I shouldn’t update a game because they didn’t like a balance tweak this would be my face…



you can get speed capped without cuttthroat, pretty much any nightblade build manages this without 5x Cuttthroat

i really really hopes Zantai reconsiders :weary:
outside belt there exist only 2 items for ele->pierce conversion for melee/caster pierce lulz, meanwhile ranged has a gun and multiple 2h ranged to mess around with, aside from belt, shoulders and ring
it will effectively end any pierce conversion approach as you can only reach 55% conversion on non ranged builds… which seems overkill big time (on conversions where you already lose dot dmg)… just to reel in a few :no_mouth:

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Some of your sentiments captured in graphical form:


Really though, calling it our mistake is a curious way to approach it. The game has evolved over years of new content and players (and us tinkering with it). We can either plant our feet in the sand and say “This affix has been this way for generations! What will the elders think!” or we make adjustments where appropriate to meet the needs of the current landscape.


80%, not 55%. And up to 96% with good rolls.
It’s not ideal, but it certainly doesn’t seems as bad as “ending any conversion approach”.

1 ring +shoulder = 55% avg roll,
demanding/forcing (melee/caster) players to use 2x rings, which are very very mediocre (and actually benefits few builds stat-wise), and is a fairly important item slot (imo), feels completely ludicrous when ranged builds get so many diff items to play around with compared, +then expecting max conversion rolls on 3slots? that’s just absurd
again, in the pursuit of just reeling in a few builds - yes it effectively ends more build’s diversity than it balances out ex an infiltrator here or there

just that the ele->pierce conversion pool is so tiny for non-ranged alone should make the idea silly to shave off more conversion items… :pensive:

Maybe add ele -> pierce to some underused items? Like Legionnaire’s Pride and Servitor’s Slicer? Won’t flip the shit over but at least it would be some kind of an option.


Well I prefer nerfs in rare cunning affixes, such as slightly reduce cunning and %cunning bonus (for example, of ruthlessness gives 40-52 cunning, makes it only gives 20-26 is quite good, or cutthroat 5-7% -> 4-6%). So it wont hurt ordinary builds much, but for builds with 4-8 fantasy MIs, it’s a direct hit.

Mask of Delirium. A lot of non-set pierce builds tend to use Ravager’s Dreadgaze for the RR and +1 skills. I can see people dropping it for soms conversion. And that opens up belt slot with +1 to a class.

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Listen here, you malcontent. My father relied on the attack speed bonus from a single affix to make his character viable, as did his father and grandfather before him, and now you have the nerve to deprive ME of my birthright? Just to satisfy some plebeian “new players” and a misguided sense of progress?

You do not know the enemy you have made this day. Not yet. But when I and my fellow grognards whine on your forums, your patch notes buried under an avalanche of salt, you will rue the day you cast aside the old ways. RUE, I say!


I do think Blade Spirits are a problem. They end up being the optimal skill point choice on too many occasions even if they are not part of your build idea/theme. They are a crutch for underwhelming weapons like the Hagarradian Enforcer and commonly appear (beyond 1 pt investment) in quite a few of the top tier builds.

If the player can’t cause BoW shotguns from melee/ranged attacks, why should blade spirit? The problem is worsened by the ability of Blade Spirits being able to reliably cause BoW shotguns as soon as the cooldown is available again. Other skills used for the shotgun effect typically have longer cooldowns (RoH) or do not hit as frequently and take longer to proc (Inquisitor Seal). Excluding BS from using BoW would probably be more simple than reworking BS hitbox to not cause shotguns, but either one is necessary as well as BS nerf imo.

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