Feedback Request: Stone Usage

For me it’s just tier 2 buildings and upgrades.

PS> one problem I have with stone is that the inhabitants just don’t seem to like bringing home stone, even though I have most of it tagged for harvest and have run roads all over to where the various deposits are located (and have plenty of workers). Fwiw, these extended “rural” roads also lead to remote areas for map edge exploration, hunting, foraging, and mining

actualy its depends on map. like games before i was always out of stone, rn i have so much stone around so im fine, but cant find gold on big map :frowning: keep scouting 230pop

I’ve started out on a lowlands map. While the stone reserves were pretty good in the early game, now that I’m around 10ish hours deep into the map with 250ish inhabitants it gets hard to build better walls, roads and desirability buildings due to the lack of stone. Additionally the traders don’t always offer it, whereas I require even more now to expand outwards for more ressources.
A quarry the border from T2 to T3 would be great, else lowered stone requirements might also help aleviate the problem a bit.

Still on my first game, currently at the cusp of T3 (just waiting to stockpile enough planks) on a lowlands maps and for the most part I haven’t been desparate for stone, though I do notice that I’m running out of harvestable rocks on the map.

Have been using it for fencing around farms and grazing lands, but atm cobblestone streets and plazas are limited mostly to just the center where all the homes are; pretty much all the roads beyond that, even for the NIMBY industries that don’t have temp shelters nearby, are still dirt.

100% agreed same here, I think 20% more yield per stones would solve it though.

also +100% yields for wood will be nice

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A small note that is mildly about stone would be with regards to the decorations. The medium sized gardens cycle through a few different kinds (which you can’t choose) that vary in appearance from wooden slats and raised wooden boxes to a frame of stone. They all require stone and wood. If you added more decorations that require one or the other it would fit both logically, strategically and asthetically.

I actually took the time repeatedly clicking the garden box until I placed the exact ones I wanted in the pattern I wanted and when I reloaded the game after getting off for the day the boxes had actually transformed to different shapes and types. Frustrating, but off topic :sweat_smile:

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I think stone suffers from the same “trader doesn’t bring enough” issue that other resources have when your map type is short. That can be sussed out when sussing out the balance on that.

Right now, no one would trade stone since you worry it will run out. But, once end game stone generation sources are in then players may be more willing to sell stone on maps that are plentiful. As a stone hoarder on mountain maps I’ve had no issues.

What I would love to see is two types of stone. Early stone would be field found and water course found. This is the round cobble stone. It should be suitable for first tier cobble roads but not above. Same with walls. It should be fine for a field wall, and a small building. It should also be fine from most aesthetic structures. There are old cobblestone churches in Europe. This tier would use cobble stone (round water made) and field stone (irregular surface rocks).

But a stone structure or up graded stone roads should require a stone cutter production facility. They produce setts (better road stones) and blocks needed for larger buildings. It would also produce the stone blocks. Since you can cut larger field stone or even cut cobbles in half for a flatter top surface, perhaps you could let the stone cutter tale cobble/field stone to start, but ideally they need quarried stone.

This does gate some stone structures behind either quarries and/or a stone cutter producer, but if you want realism that is best.

Renewable Sources Notes for Non-Quarried Rock:
Field stone doesn’t “renew” and once all is found would be gone unless trade for from trader. If you are finding more rocks in your worked fields then you have soil degradation. Sadly this is as big a problem today as it was centuries ago. Though allowing fertility to drop below say 20% and then have the field regain the rocky trait and then when it was reworked regenerate more field stone would work. You could potentially de-rock areas and then not sow them for more surface rock from any tile.

Water ways should replace the round cobble stones though. Running water, they are rounded river rocks. There doesn’t seem to be any running water yet though. But realistically this is cobble stone heaven.

Quarried rock processed through a stone cutter would still be the obvious endgame.

So really three tiers of stone building

  • unworked field and cobble stone
  • stone cutter making worked stone out of field and cobble stones
  • stone cutter making setts and blocks for best roads, big walls, big defense buildings out of quarried rock

Me, I want walls of quarried coquina rock. But that’s unlikely. Would love to see the look on the siege weapon bandits face though!

As has been mentioned many times already, I would love to see a stone pit of some kind. It could be structured the same way as other mineral deposits, especially near mountains where there’s naturally a ton of stone anyway.

I think it would be interesting to add a “strip mine” of sorts that could use similar physics to the land leveling tool where you assign an area for stone mining and just have it flatten the terrain over time. Or, conversely, when you have laborers flatten the land you get stone out of it, but not as much as you’d get if you were to make a stone strip mine.

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Defenses, buildings, etc it all requires stone. basic stone deposits (all map types) should be increased in yield for a given visual size.

I think unlocking Quarries (T3, own resource nodes), Mine Shafts (T3 upgrade of mines) and Deep Mines (T4 Upgrade of mines) would be great ways to carry resources into the endgame.

Trees are also a bottleneck, but mostly labor. Yes we can do the “manually plant a bunch of decorative trees, wait for harvest”. But it would be really useful to have actual tree farms. Sure make us micromanage early game but at like T3 let us actually unlock timber farms. Draw a field just like another field, but in this case the farmers plant trees, wait for them to mature, chop them down.

Also T2 wood cutters need 6 or 8 potential employee slots. We really have to build way too many of them


Would love to see quarries added. As for now, I treat stone as a limited resource. I use the trader to buy it whenever I can afford it, and make sure I have a stock of about 100 available to do the regular building. Upgrading roads to cobbled I only do on the well used roads and stone walls early on I only use around my storage/trader square. Later on, I build wooden palisades first around my town and when I have enough stone, I slowly upgrade the key parts of the wall to stone. But that’s when I’m well into tier 4 with over 250 villagers. It’s a limited resource in a survival game. You shouldn’t spend it like a renewable resource like wood. Same goes for things like sand and clay, they are limited, so spend them well.

But how can sand be that limited? There is sand everywhere on earth. In Rivers, on beaches… yet at none of these places, we can extract sand.
Sand is available in such an abundance on earth, that this should actually not be a limited resource. At least it doesn’t make much sense.

Rock is the same. Having a colossal mountain next to your village, yet no rock available is not only super weird but also super frustrating. You can extract the iron, but by doing so no stone is being created although it is because otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to extract the iron.

not all sand is equal. most sand on earth for example isn’t able to be used for concrete. other sand can’t be used for glass.

Thank you all for your feedback. Be sure to read out first State of Early Access update!

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