Over the past month, I’ve tested the 3 sets dedicated to DB (i.e. rah’zin/harbinger deceiver, voidsoul sentinel, and clairvoyant’s cabalist)- failing far more often than succeeding.
And no matter which way I try to optimize this puzzle of a spec, non-set DB builds win every single time.
The reason for this being is that by breaking the item set, you get to maximise the strongest thing on DB - i.e. DB spam (assuming, of course, that you can find the energy to sustain it).
But more specifically, each of the 3 aforementioned sets fail in more specific ways.
Nothing wrong with this set at all. It’s just not going it to be a top tier spec.
My one complaint is that you simply don’t have the energy to sustain 26/16 DB on a deceiver, forcing you to use DB as 1 pointer for the occassional nuke/unreliable source of RR.
Suggestion: Adding reduced energy cost to DB on the 3 piece set bonus would be nice
Literally offers you no CDR anywhere on any of the 4 set items. This in and of itself would be fine if the damage provided was substantial. Sadly, this is not the case. Using DB on reaper felt like shining a laser pointer at the paw of a kitten.
Furthermore, the lack of AoE on voidsoul’s DB makes it cringe-worthy.
I suppose the design philosophy was meant to have aegis or FoI compensate for crowd clearing but… both those skills have they own unique set of issues.
Solution: Give DB enough damage to make it live up to its name, or give it enough CDR to make it truly terrifying
Clairvoyant: Aether cabalist GT
Preface: This build was aimed at trying to stick to the true intention of clairvoyant’s design for the cabalist - i.e. reap spirit + DB nuker. I also wanted to use aether Bone Harvest to somewhat try and make a pet/caster hybrid (@maya - Would you even consider this a hybrid?)
Results - (3 + 1) clear in 7min 30s
My favorite of the 3 DB dedicated sets, clairvoyant’s makes DB a force to be reckoned with.
My issue with this set actually lies with reap spirit.
As you can see in the GT, 26/16 reap spirit does 300% WD with approximately 1200 flat aether damage.
This is essentially negligble for 2 reasons:
- Reap spirit only hits a single target
- Its damage as a single target skill is just underwhelming.
All things considered, aether bone harvest here feels like it does more work than reap spirit does which surprised me.
Suggestion: what would be really cool here is if clairvoyant could transmute reap spirit into a player scaled pet.