Hello there folks,
As an avid enjoyer of Vitality builds, especially the ones with Ravenous Earth and bros of Dreeg I always found the Vitality part of Blightlord a little bit lackluster. And I was one of the pioners who made a Vitality Blightlord build as soon as it was out.
So what’s missing in the Vitality part of the set?
1) Ravenous Earth needs that +1 second duration bonus to truly shine.
That’s right. The reason custom RE specs or Dark One RE specs outrun Blightlord RE specs is because they all have access to one of the amulets that gives RE that sweet extended duration.
Now will it break Vitality Blightlords? Answer is it’s up to tests, possibly in the next test patch. Damage values (like flat bonus to RE on the set) or %RR to RE can always be adjusted, but, imo, duration is essential to keep full set competitive with setups that use a faction Legendary amulet and an easily farmable m.i. helm.
2) Vitality menz (Scions of Dreeg) require Acid to Vitality conversion.
Now the power of Empyrion/Dreeg bros comes from the dot stacking because each bro counts separate dot source. To enable Vitality bros on Blightlord you have to convert that poison into Vitality Decay. The only way to do that is to use Hallanx’ Head, an off-hand that doesn’t give any mods or relevant skill points to Vitality Blightlords and one of the two chest armors that have this conversion (and even then it will be just 90% with perfect conversion rolls).
One of the problems with that is that the weakest Blightlord that would be Vitality Shieldbreaker needs to choose between Fire/Elemental to Vitality conversion for BWC or Acid to Vitality for bros. Now you can use Hallanx Head + Acid to Vitality conversion chest and Occultist’s Lunal belt + Ring of Basti to achieve ~80% in each conversion but that will leave you with practically no skill points.
Like this off-hand should fit Vitality Blightlord Shieldbreaker like a glove. +1 to Demo skills, Fire to Vitality conversion (that can be complimented by Fire to Vitality conversion on this easily farmable blue chest), +1 summon to menz. But in reality you can’t use it because you need Acid to Vitality conversion in this slot.
Suggestion: Add Acid to Vitality conversion for Guardians of Empyrion (or Scions of Dreeg) to Word of Solael.
Thoughts, suggestions, critisisms?..