Feedback, tips, tricks, ideas

Hello there, I like to share my feeling and let you a feedback after 70 hours playing this game.

I love this type of game where you have to manage town. I play it for 70 hours. I reached 90 years in game population around 700 inhabitants.

  • through the game I have lags. It is consequences from dropping FPS. I have 16 GB RAM, when I looked at task manager game had alocated around 6GB, processor alocated at 90%? For me biggest problem that require some solution


  • For me biggest surprice invaders/ outlaws attack. Very interesting feature. I have always problem with this even in latest part of the game. My best result was only 25 dead defenders. Normally it were around 50-70. Double walls help but againts 2 battering ram “no chance” :slight_smile:

  • Trading post - For me the most important building in game. It help you fix every issues if you have a lucky on merchants. But 2 workers is too few. This can be fixed by increasing workers in trading post from 2 to 4 or 6, or increase limit of storage item from 500 to 2000?

  • Food: Crop Fields and Barns are a solution on problem of food. Barns have a grassing area 10x10 and increase fertility of this place. When you set a crop field nearby 10x10 you can switch this 2 fields and maximaze food production. With the compost yard I have instantly more that 90% of fertility.

  • Pub: This building is quite interesting. Not for income but for intoxicated inhabitants. I had a brawl after outlaw attack. The result of these brawl were 30 dead inhabitants, because in middle of this battle were 2 guards with the weapons and kill everyone in this rush :smiley: I expected something like punish this crime. Like adding a Jail :smiley:

  • Resources: I do not know if I have a lucky on stupid map or what. :smiley: But in my case I have always problem with lack od resouces like Iron, Stone and Sand. Naturally generating resources are terrible. Oukej with mine you can have 3x or 4x more on Iron or Coal. Good from start but in latest part of game your only chance to get this resouces is trading post, if you have a lucky on merchants. :smiley:

  • Wagons: why wagons can not collected and transport bricks, planks, firewood, Iron from foundry or sawmill to storage? Please add in this feature.

  • Terrain: I would like to play with terrain in future. If it will be possible. Not only flat terrain.

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Im surprised you went up to 700 inhabitants in only 90 years! I got by that population around 150 or so… haha😐
But yeah, those are all good points youve got there! The problem about lack resources though makes part of the fun! This is intended to be so in most maps. I think the only one that you can become independent in that way is in idyllic valley.

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