Female armour

Right? It doesn’t have to be sexual. It’s purely for aesthetics too. I may have spent a good deal of my purifiers iron bits at the illusionist for the cowboy look. Covered head to toe to fingertips but I got a lot of enjoyment out of watching him run around the maps.

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My latest build is Sister Friede and unfortunately, yeah, I’ve found that in GD nearly impossible to make decent female outfit. I’m not complaining, since we don’t have harcuts and stuff I suppose it’s some kind of engine limitation. +1 for the idea, but I highly doubt that devs are going to implement it at the current stage of development.


@enb do you have the white wizzard illusion from loyalist pack 2? I think the chest armor would fit nice



I can relate to this. Back in the day I asked if we will get dresses… I’m totally in favor of female armor getting a more distinct look. Maybe if they will make GD2.

Not sure if it’s a limitation, but I expect a lot of clipping to happen, if women’s gear becomes too wide and puffy. Great if an engine can accomodate to that.


Is this leading back to glowing briarthorn butts?

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In FG testing I begged for a cold dmg mod on Vire cause of Sister Friede’s Darkflame :smiley:

We have that, now we need an outfit and some cold rr :face_with_monocle:

nice one


That was quite the read! :laughing:

I’m very fond of all the gentlemen running in Conley’s gang myself.

I’m afraid I used a male char for this, but are these some of the colors you are looking for? And is the mask to your liking? :grinning:

Expand the quote, if you want to enlarge the image.


^ Fashion Dawn is strong in this one

That’s a lot of Ekket’zuls. :inquisitorseal:

Colours! Nice work. I really like that gold detailing!

That mask though, it’s a little, ummmm… I’m not going there. I had something more Venetian in mind, like the Masquerade Ball. Feathers, leather, bling, mysterious. Not a fetish feel. :laughing:

Try playing around with changing character’s gender with GDstash. Warning, cursed images may result.


there is also silver sentinel mask

This mask is probably the best it gets:


Unpopular opinion: let the man also wear skimpy outfits


On topic:

My only comment regarding the female armor is that some the armor sets, the waist plates, don’t seem to ‘fit’ right. They seem like they’re bunched up to the right. But that’s such a small thing I really don’t care about it.

Off topic:

Why is it that on the internet if someone doesn’t agree with the op’s post it always resorts to ‘touching a nerve.’ My eyeroll can’t be any bigger for comments like this.

And as to ‘no reason’. Another one of my favorite types of comments. The armchair "oh, this would be such a simple fix, why hasn’t it been done’ mentality that has no clue what it actually might take. If there’s “no reason” we don’t have it, then as someone already suggested go learn to mod it. There’s no reason why you can’t.

She touched your nerve Caius :joy:


Oh dear /10char!!! @malawiglenn I did it!!

Yeah, stuff like that requires someone to actually make it.
At this point of the development I don’t see it happening, unless it was paid DLC like another loyalist pack.

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