Female armour



In FG testing I begged for a cold dmg mod on Vire cause of Sister Friedeā€™s Darkflame :smiley:

We have that, now we need an outfit and some cold rr :face_with_monocle:

nice one


That was quite the read! :laughing:

Iā€™m very fond of all the gentlemen running in Conleyā€™s gang myself.

Iā€™m afraid I used a male char for this, but are these some of the colors you are looking for? And is the mask to your liking? :grinning:

Expand the quote, if you want to enlarge the image.


^ Fashion Dawn is strong in this one

Thatā€™s a lot of Ekketā€™zuls. :inquisitorseal:

Colours! Nice work. I really like that gold detailing!

That mask though, itā€™s a little, ummmmā€¦ Iā€™m not going there. I had something more Venetian in mind, like the Masquerade Ball. Feathers, leather, bling, mysterious. Not a fetish feel. :laughing:

Try playing around with changing characterā€™s gender with GDstash. Warning, cursed images may result.


there is also silver sentinel mask

This mask is probably the best it gets:


Unpopular opinion: let the man also wear skimpy outfits


On topic:

My only comment regarding the female armor is that some the armor sets, the waist plates, donā€™t seem to ā€˜fitā€™ right. They seem like theyā€™re bunched up to the right. But thatā€™s such a small thing I really donā€™t care about it.

Off topic:

Why is it that on the internet if someone doesnā€™t agree with the opā€™s post it always resorts to ā€˜touching a nerve.ā€™ My eyeroll canā€™t be any bigger for comments like this.

And as to ā€˜no reasonā€™. Another one of my favorite types of comments. The armchair "oh, this would be such a simple fix, why hasnā€™t it been doneā€™ mentality that has no clue what it actually might take. If thereā€™s ā€œno reasonā€ we donā€™t have it, then as someone already suggested go learn to mod it. Thereā€™s no reason why you canā€™t.

She touched your nerve Caius :joy:


Oh dear /10char!!! @malawiglenn I did it!!

Yeah, stuff like that requires someone to actually make it.
At this point of the development I donā€™t see it happening, unless it was paid DLC like another loyalist pack.

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tried to make a half naked troll cosplayā€¦for savagery/feral hunger build

his name is reclusive troll :laughing:


That almost looks like our much less steroids Grim Shrek
out of my swamp!

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donā€™t think you hit a nerve, there simply are people with different opinions. My opinion is that I cannot play games with these ridiculous outfits because it is just too unrealistic, constantly breaking my immersion. I have that issue with games with oversized weapons too (which again seems to mostly be a thing in asian games), where the 2H sword is both taller and wider than the char


With those arms he could not even lift it, let alone effectively wield it :smiley:

Maybe for another loyalist pack, creating them is a lot of effort, so donā€™t expect alternative versions of all kinds of armor


that was the idea, and itā€™s him i farmed for my first troll axe while leveling.

But i started in ultimate, and this guy in ultimate at lvl 35-40, is really dangerous for melee :smiley:

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About the comment though, not the armor stuff. Damn straight. Now you kids get off my damn lawn. :stuck_out_tongue: