Female armour

It could be argued that the great wolf armor illusion torso constitutes as skimpy, so an illusion similar to its skimpiness could be done, if done thematically and to exemplify functionality. The challenge is designing it. I still havent had time to sketch anything with this damn COVID-19 shit going on the hospital is insane.


Hospital > Armour illusions

Take good care of yourself. Your health is the paramount concern at this moment.

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I wonder if this is achievable in game with the Illusion options :woozy_face: :hot_face: The hat almost certainly is. Definitel a Byscilla alternative, and no one has to look like a stripper (which is what the asian female game characters almost always seem to resemble). Characters (of all genders) shouldn’t have to look like blocks (just look at what wolcen has done with the genre in that regard - bugs aside for a moment) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yup, Demonslayer set should fit.
Here is one of my builds.



Pretty sweet. Now if you could see the face and long red hair it would be perfect but let’s not get crazy. it’s just a game after all.

That artwork is literally from GD, check its name: “Grim Dawn Demonslayer by Houdao”


Yes. I think I originally found it in the GD Fanart thread

I can’t help, but why does it seem so many folks forget about this Armor/Skin:

On of my personal favorites, finally shows some skin and fit’s the loyalist packs idea to giving unique armors.

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it’s a mtx it doesn’t count

I mentioned it, and I believe someone else did too.

which one is this?

Great Wolf set from the last loyalty pack, if memory serves.

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wuut they added more stuff to that one? I just remember white wizard and the two knight sets

Available since last November - that was when, I believe, you took a break from GD:


My dream to make something similar to the female barbarian from Diablo III can now be realized :smiley:


Does Lancel actually do anything in the game ?

5 posts were split to a new topic: Final Fantasy 7 remake

No, he is just a service NPC. He and Kory the Keeper provide you with illusions for your gear. If you don’t own Loyalist Packs, they still stand there and you can get an item to remove any illusions, which I understand is a safeguard for people, who have tried and refunded them.

Im not sure what this thread is about but I got to this image and started looking for the vote yes button


Way beyond my skill level but someone could make a mod, with just different skins (similar to the Warhammer 40K, skins in the WH40K mod) . More curves and less/no blocks would get my vote :smile::+1:

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