No, he is just a service NPC. He and Kory the Keeper provide you with illusions for your gear. If you don’t own Loyalist Packs, they still stand there and you can get an item to remove any illusions, which I understand is a safeguard for people, who have tried and refunded them.
Im not sure what this thread is about but I got to this image and started looking for the vote yes button
Way beyond my skill level but someone could make a mod, with just different skins (similar to the Warhammer 40K, skins in the WH40K mod) . More curves and less/no blocks would get my vote
I’m asking around, trying to get someone to make me a mod. I’ll let you all know if it happens.
You got a lot of suggestions so
We need moar Royalist, sorry Loyalist Pack to fit our fantasy.
I always feel GD lack of knight~ish full plate armor, medieval age or gothic could fit in quite well.
Female looks good with curve too.
Of course we can’t forget about boys.
Loyalist packs have pets so throw a few of those in as well. Dragons … we need dragons … though I’ll settles for a hound that looks like Huan (from the tale of Beren and Luthien). There is one in the current packs, but they look a bit lame …
That would be pretty cool!
Too right - and that is perfect. Maybe a few different colour hues besides gold. Black and Green ones.
And for badasses a Balrog
Now you’re talkin’. I have the perfect purifier for a Balrog mount.
Okay, THAT made me laugh. Eye roll, but definitely laughed out loud.
Do we have a complete wish list of new stuff for Crate to work on now ? It kinda ballooned from the original intent I think but WTH, why not
Always match your mount to your outfit.
A list??? It might be apparent by now that I’m not really a list making type of person. I’m more of a general concept type. Here’s an effort to make a list of some sort. I may need a stiff drink after this.
- Pretty badass armour for the ladies.
- Armour dyes for customization.
- Dragons. I don’t mind where, just put them in.
- Mounts. Preferably to match the armours. Or not. As long as they’re awesome. I’m kinda obsessing over that Balrog though.
I decided to dot point the list. Every list needs dot points.
Last two will not happen; that’s been made clear over and over.
Don’t know what dyes are supposed to do for you that visiting the Illusionist can’t.
Customisation. Like the red chest armour but it doesn’t match your purple helm? Bingo! Got a dye for that.
Hey Romi - check these out - found the references in the mod section of the GD forum. In case the links don’t work the titles are " Cosmetic Wings - Ancient spirit wings
and Sexy outfit MOD?
and [MOD] Hairstylist - a barber in town!
I’m not sure how these were created but since they can be well then there is hope for both Balrog’s and Dragons yet
Might be worth dropping the original author(s) a note and ask what tools they used. Just trying to make the dream real, one step at a time …and if you do install 'em let us know how it goes