Find where that resource is stored

When transitioning from ‘surviving’ to ‘efficiency’ stages of game, it’d be nice to be able to locate where your resources are stored based on the resource to improve production lines. For example, are my sawyers located too far away from my wood stockyards and are my wood stockyards too far away from my workcamps, and so forth.


Best we can do for now is by using the toggles to configure what storage buildings hold and what they do not.

None of my Storehouses hold food items.

Early in the game only one of my Root Cellers is allowed to hold raw meat, raw milk or raw fish, and it is furthest away from the population and closest to the Smokehouses.

Later in the game only the Root Celler closest to the Preservist is allowed to hold raw fruit, but nothing else.

You’ll find the most important distance to measure is between the Windmill, the Granaries and the Bakeries.

Placing these three buildings too close together will consume your wheat crop far too quickly and turn it all into super-fast-spoiling bread way too soon.

Spacing them properly will see the Bakeries produce just enough bread all year long, while the Windmill leaves well enough grain to spare for winter Barn fodder rations, easily feeding both people and animals off the same farm crop.

Placing the Granaries closer to the Barns will ensure the animals are fed in good time, and Barns will not over-consume the grain the way a Windmill can and will, in the blink of an eye.

Setting production quotas helps with resource conservation also.

But mainly, configuring your Storehouses, Stockyards and Root Cellers to best serve the production needs in their immediate proximity is the most we can do for now.

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What Celebrindan said is all excellent advice etc… but I will add a few things
he didn’t mention

First though I want to say that part of the fun is figuring out a lot of this stuff
on your own. I mean that is what the game is for so IMHO i do not want too much
info/help from the game.

That being said there is a good amount of help here already in the game.
You mentioned sawyers/stockyard so I’ll use that for my example.

If you go into the sawyer window at the bottom you will see 5 things.
One of them is IDLE time, if it is anything other than 0% then there
is room for huge improvement. This game is all about travel time so
now look at the travel time indicator. If it is not green you need to fix
the town so that it is green and the lower the travel time % the better.
(this is the general time overview one. the building travel time is the
other smaller one)

So what is eating up all the workers time? Well it is the other 3 indicators.
So look at them as see what is going on. If food/clothes/stocking
equals 90% then it means your people are spending way too much time traveling to get
stuff which leaves little time for making products and thus the work amount
indicator might show 10% or less.

When you move a building say a stockyard full of logs right next the sawyer
those indicators will all change. Now move houses right next to it and food
next to it (extreme example) you can get the IDLE to 0 the travel to 10%
and the working to 90%. The tools you need are there to fix the town.

now this bring me to what I do. I do not care if a sawyer is right next to housing
and cause a desirability hit. Why? because each and every one of my manor is surrounded
by flower pots and the desirability is over 160%. So I can put anything I want right next
to the houses and everybody is still happy. Thus I have 1 saw mill and it supplies
all the planks I need for 800 people. Because it is max efficiency.

(note there are some items in the game like shoes that output is so low
you will still need 10 buildings and a bunch of workers cause the game
balance needs to be tweaked but max efficiency helps a lot for not going
totally insane with 20+ cobbler buildings)


Also make sure your Markets are not stocking and distributing raw meat, raw fish or raw milk.

Once the Preservists are online, I don’t let Markets stock raw fruit or berries either.

These raw foodstuffs are very short in shelf-life, and a major cause of excessive Shelter Stocking runs, replacing items lost to rot.

Creating more work for grocers and less production for workers when grocers can’t keep up.

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It will be nice if player can set the amount of resource each storage house can take ,and the priority of it.
there is a old city builder game which got a remake called “Pharaoh”, where you can set a proportion of goods in a storage yard or granary.

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