First L100 - Warlord - Constructive Feedback on Build, Please :)

I would pull those points back. The stuff with Zolhan and 1 handed melee I am not sure about. Wait for @malawiglenn to answer it. Squad tactics is best at 12/12. I would go for something else. OA/DA, you could do Haven for gaining some health you lost. But with Divine Mandate you need at least 2900 base OA before all temporary skills that raise it.

@BlackrazorNZ zolhan is crap for 1H melee. Just count the number of 1H melee auto attacker warlords in the compendium that uses it (here is one example [] The new Carrot tank - Markovian S&B Warlord! SR 75+/Crucible buffless ) did you see an zolhan there? :stuck_out_tongue: no

never max skills blindly, look at what an extra point gives. Like @Duchy mentioned, skills like Squad Tacticts does not scale well with extra points. And some skills have breakpoints, like Oleron you want 12/12, 16/12, 19/12 or 22/12. With field command, you get extra armor every 2nd point, and so on.

Divine mandate you can wait for until you have like 2.9k OA without Ascension.

The ā€œonlyā€ farming you need to do really is to hit that urn to get M Totally Normal shield, the urn to get Fettan mask level 94 version, crabs (you can do them in elite) to get decent belt ā€œof attackā€ and reset faction vendors. Now you are gonna buy chest and rings from coven and shoulders from malmouth. The trick to reset vendors is that they update inventory if you visit two other vendors. So just go back and forth between coven and steelclap. Start with coven faction vendor, then the regular vendor in coven then go to rift gate and transport to steelclap to visit the malmouth faction vendor. Then go back to coven, rise and repeat. Only buy stuff when they have good rolls. You can see max rolls in Grim Tools.

Zolhan is DPS loss for 1H builds, itā€™s proven long time ago. Plus Warlord is skill point hungry .

As exclusive skill, I prefer Oleronā€™s Rage, OA and getting regular crits is more important than crit damage multiplier itself + need OA to trigger Assasinā€™s Mark in reliable fashion.

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Thanks all for the further thoughts.

Iā€™ve implemented what I can with the components and equipment that I have available. Iā€™ll get some of the other pieces as I can, remembering that I only just started Ultimate so I canā€™t portal to all the vendors yet (and toggling back out to Elite just feels like cheating).

Iā€™ve got 2x Fettan Masks in my bank, but theyā€™re both the L75 version.

Current build is :

Standing still with normal buffs, minding my own business:

Mid combat with Ulzaad, War Cry and Overguard up:

Same, minus Overguard:

So I pretty much implemented what I can and then did the run up to Warden Krieg. It wasā€¦ hilarious. Literally just ran at full tilt the whole way stopping for a few seconds here and there to down Hero monsters. Stuff was dying so quick, much of it just for splash damage, that often times I was running into gaps rather than attacking because there was nothing left to attack. Salazar took about 12 seconds, Kreig about 18 not counting the transition.

Super impressed with the build, thanks for the advice. Will only get better no doubt with improved gear.

However, Iā€™ve already worked out what my weak spot is in Ultimate. A couple times, I took about 3 ticks of something and justā€¦ died. Worked out it was Internal Trauma damage, but with 38% Phys Resist it canā€™t just be that - my health bar literally does not move for any other reason.

Am I right in thinking thatā€¦ Iā€™m killing myself? Reflective mobs? It happened twice, and the second time I died after combat finished with an Internal Trauma debuff ticking for about 3.5k/s for about 10 secondsā€¦

Guess I just need to watch out for those Reflective mobs if so.

You can use the last modifier on prescence of virtue for reflect reduction.

Most reflective mobs has an indicator. Spikes. Dont hit them when spikey.

Yeh, in both cases it was me doing my usual thing and just popping Monster Totems and then going to town in a whirlwind of blades and death. Bit hard to see spikes when I canā€™t even see myself. Or, the ground. Might have to change tactics some! :laughing: