Using my unmanned Hunter cabins as surveillance posts I’ve managed to prevent raiders coming from anywhere except an area way to the north which I kept deliberately unsurveilled, then built up a double wall compound with 5 towers and another wall around all that. Latest raid, all towers were destroyed but I killed the three rams and the catapult before my cavalry was massacred.
Can we upgrade the cavalry stables to house more troops?
One of my tower guards ran halfway across the map to seek shelter, bypassing several empty shelters, is this normal? Had it gone to it’s tower it should have been able to shelter there.
Apart from looting storage facilities raiders seem to have no specific targets in mind, should they?
Using Hunter cabins or watchtowers or any other structure to gain vision will prevent enemies from appearing in the middle of the player’s building.
However, the problem is that some players take advantage of this to spam and cover the map, forcing enemies to only appear from one fixed direction.
This is a feature, not a bug. But this feature needs to be fixed because it is too unreasonable.
Specifically: it needs to be edited so that enemies can appear at any location on the edge of the map, regardless of whether the player has a structure there or not.
They may have “fixed” it. Current game, Highlands on vanquisher, (it was a random pick) the raiders have taken to appearing almost right next to my village, and with raiding cycles of two and three years I have only one year in which I don’t need any guards or soldiers, except a squad of horsemen for bear chasing. I have found that if I save at the beginning of a raiding year I can reload and they will appear from the edges of the map, but I hate reloading.
I don’t even need to do any of those fancy tactics, they are already displayed before the attack on the mini map itself. And don’t forget the big arrows on the side of the screen showing it too when having the minimap closed.
If you have vision on the entire map, then they are going to appear somewhere strange. If you don’t have vision on a part of the map, then they will always spawn where you don’t have vision.
On a small map, this makes it easy to control, but also as a result it’s another reason I think bigger maps are more interesting: It’s hard to accidentally reveal most or all of the map. (never mind the fact that if you can push raiders into a corner, you don’t need to defend anywhere else…)
Yes, actually this i what I don’t understand. I have the whole of a medium map revealed and I have my ‘village’ walled off and defended in one ‘corner’ so in fact I am just defending along two wall lines the other two sides of my village being the map edge.
But if raiders can appear from anywhere (somewhere strange) what if anything is to stop them spawning on the map edge inside my walled village. Indeed they never have but I cannot see what stops them. Umm…
I’ve not seen any arrows, and the mini-map isn’t all too accurate but it’s better than arrows. Also raiders which don’t have a war banner are not easily spotted.
I haven’t experimented carefully, but my impression is that, if there is no pathable fog for them to spawn in, then they just sort of pick … somewhere … and that might be in the middle of town.