Food production should scale better as a town grows

Right now food production is balanced around ~250 units per worker which means that as your town grows you need to increase the amount of labor force engaged in food production linearly.

The problems with this approach:

  1. As the town grows solving the same food problem time over time just by adding a new field/orchard/barn becomes boring.
  2. It takes out labor resources from more fun late-game activities like scaling the production of end-game goods or equipping a huge army.
  3. Not historically accurate :person_shrugging:

The solutions could be:

  1. Fields:
  • allow the involvement of horses/oxen in field labor to free up some farmers
  • special farming tools to increase productivity
  • irrigation system? let’s wait for a water DLC :smiley:
  1. Barns/coops:
  • should require significantly fewer people to maintain (atm it makes no sense tbh)
  • scales better: no longer needs 2x people to maintain 2x flock
  • to counterbalance: requires much more fodder (at the mid-late stage meat should become a diversity food source, not a primary one)
  1. Orchard - maybe level 2 orchard with bigger area / higher yields?
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These are great ideas. In general, more buildings should have level 2 and level 3, with various upgrades. I think a plough would be good, with horse drawn plough at level 3? (same issues with building endless rat catchers etc, which don’t have a level 2 with more radius, better tools, more staff Etc.). Fishing level 2 may support boats. The lakes seem idle otherwise. Add salt to preserve food longer, and salt mining at higher levels. Add communal garden or allotments, where people can grow their own food.