Food spoilage versus consumption

I don’t remember if this happens only in larger population towns. But I’ve found that food consumption versus how much I have in storage versus how spoiled the food is doesn’t line up. As an example, smoked meat should be good for 30 months. I’m being told I have 4 months of food in the public storage. Looking at the consumption rate of smoked meat, I have roughly 6000 smoked meat made versus 5000 smoked meat consumed in the past 12 months, with 4500 smoked meat stored.

I am losing 1000 smoked meat to spoilage each year even when stored exclusively in brick root cellars full of barrels. What happened to the 30 months of storage? Do my people only eat the newest batch of food? If they only eat the newest bunch of food, why am I trying to have stored food at all?

This applies to all food types too, where citizens only use the newest foods. I’ve tried to make one specific food type storage for them too, but it seems the issue persists where they only get the newest foods.

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They eat the CLOSEST batch of food. That is a reasonable thing to do, but complicates matters.