Forager Garden doesn't work

Has been shared this issue to the developer yet?
Its forager doesn’t harvest every plants from the garden.
(Because of 1st year is only growing the plants) 2nd year, he picked a half of 10 plants. 3rd year, one plant only.
He always choose “Tending the garden”.

And my PC (RTX3070) becomes heavy (60fps to 24fps) when the harvest season, so I broke Forager Garden in 4th year. Unfortunately, I can’t use it in this version at least.

I hope fix these in the next version.

Have you verified game files? Do you have a save that reproduces the issue?

No, I haven’t yet. I thought other player might told this in a topic somewhere.

I copied the save data but I noticed it after broke the building.
After then, I’m worry about them so didn’t build the garden. (I gave up at once :disappointed_relieved:)
Should it’s better I get back to you after I make the garden again and if meet the same issue?

And, I read below to try upload but I didn’t know where is “.map file”.

Should be with your save folder.


Copy both of those if you need to upload anything for Crate.

Thank you so much.
I’ll check and try it again later :smiley:

I couldn’t find “.map” file in save folder. It could be a hiddlen-file.
(there’s not it in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save, so I thought I mistook the place which look for)

No, those are inside the save folder.

Also your saves should have been moved to a new location when you started the game.

“In order to alleviate numerous reported issues involving Windows OneDrive, we have made the decision to migrate the save directory to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier. Upon launching the game for the first time in v0.9.6, you will be prompted that a one-time data migration will be performed. If your system does not have sufficient space on that drive, you will receive a warning and the process will exit. Note: the Saved Games directory can be relocated to any drive on your PC by right-clicking it and selecting Properties.”

Awsome, thank you so much!! :laughing:
I’ve forget the save data is moved other place!

I’ll be looking for C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier.

I’m back.
I checked again.

Forager Garden works or not:
It’s not reproduce including fps does lower for now, after built a new garden.
(Because I broke the garden which have the problem)
This case may have been a coincidence. It didn’t fix when reloaded so I thought it could be something of issue.
(I’ve miscounted and written ‘10 plants’ above. 6 is right.)

I’ll copy the data at the time when I meet a trouble from next time.

And, I found my save data and map data. Thank you for telling me.

It happened the same issue again so I’ve uploaded the save data, and report here.
(And I took SS also (below))

But, it fixed when I reload the data from main menu this time. It might be unstable…
And, it’s written in English (hasn’t localized) only this message.