Forager shack - notification when IDLE & trading post - Buying / Selling

  1. Forager Shack
  • It would be great to have an option to be notified when the forager is idle, so one could change the foraging area.
  • Both Forager and Hunter target areas could have an option to press on it and my view would jump to the target area location instead of trying to find yellow circle on the map.

  1. Trading post
  • when buying from traders it is rather difficult to control the quantities, as it is only possible to do it with the sliding bar, which is very inconvenient. I tried entering number and pressing enter, but it doesn’t work when buying, while for example it is possible to do it while selling or for the quantities to be brought to the trading post. I would like to add quantities and press enter & use mouse scroll to control quantity one by one.


I find that it is hit or miss with directly inputting the number. I have had it work, but most of the time, like you mention, it does not.

I don’t understand the :no_entry_sign: in the trading post, is it for keeping a minimum amount of stock for use by the villagers?

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