forgetten gods hopes???

2 shield mean only way to do dammage is rateliation x) reflect dammage on chance to block .

Oh lord, another one that think this game is multiplayer focused just because it has multiplayer. This game is single player focused with a barebones multiplayer, that only exists for you to play with friends and trading.

and that what i wanted to say god damn it

Not my idea of dual shields…
Dual Shield Bash, Shield Throw, Shield Spin Attack. The possibilities are there, but sadly they all require lots of animations and other tech.

really ?

that is the exact opposite of SP focused…

Here’s an interesting idea. Let’s have a leader board system, where you can see who completes the dungeons, and modes in weekly, or monthly basis.

Whoopsie, I accidentally dropped my sack of multiplayer.

The problem with all online leaderboards I had seen so far is that people cheat. A game that has saves client-side is 100% vulnerable.

Well, if this new expansion sells well, i’m sure they could figure something out for use in a new game mode, where a character created would be saved server side, and not locally perhaps. Something in similar concept to wolcen, which is in single player state, but looks like it has a pretty decent dungeon leader board in place.

I honestly don’t see Crate picking implementing something like this over some other popular demand. It’s just been asked about over and over and the answer was that something like this really had to be planned way back when development began.

hmm, I have missed something here. what are the top things that the majority of players want in this upcoming expansion?

Oh gosh i misread it you are right

oh leaderboard system its a nice thing too i love it

Leader of what?

classe & rank system

Hi! I’d love to see some changes to animations. Graphics in general are beautiful, but those stiff animations, man…hopefully they’ll make em smoother some day!
Really, really enjoying the game so far. The more I play it, the more i like it! :smiley:

This…^^ It seem they really have hard time with animation on this game, i hope someday they will do something but i don’t hope too much//

No need , there have more important aspect for them to work for

There is a WANT for players. Obviously they are working on the expansion, and have pretty much decided what they will be implementing for it. But a potential development for it, after? That would be cool.

Agreed, since this is primarily a single player offline gam and cheating is a thing. It would take 0.01 seconds before that leaderboard is worthless.