forgetten gods hopes???

just a few hopes (by a frustrated player):

  1. (much) larger shared stash
  2. no “battered shell <-> frozen heart” nonsense
  3. no “I’ve been playing for 5 hours and not a single ancient armor dropped and I need 48 of them to make a single build 170 viable” nonsense
  4. no “I don’t even have 30% of all the legendaries in the game and 9 out of 10 that drop are DOUBLES” nonsense
  5. no “I got 6 debuffs on me and 5 mutators going on but I have no idea what they are because I CAN’T LOOK OVER THEM DURING PAUSE” nonsense

thank you

Game is both single player and multiplayer, what i would like is something in the screen which you see all games available to join a better hint of undone quests by host, i’ve lost count of how many games i’ve joined on elite then found they’ve already done those quests that i didn’t yet.

Some new quests over existing factions, and lots of those quests may cause you to backstab your previous allied factions (maybe with one or two exceptions).