Forthcoming Forgotten Gods expac - what we know so far Part I

Even better:

A clickable bridge repair

Player spends their iron/scrap

Bridge is repaired

Player crosses bridge excited to head to Old Grove
(as someone playing since Beta, I confess to being one of the curious)

And then…

Progress blocked by the burning wagon.

Nothing else.

LOL! The wagon could have a sign “Zantai’s Mystical Readings”, “Zantai’s Moving”, “Zantai’s Punk’d U”…more…?

What’s on button seven?

Invocation to Chaos from the item Will of Bysmiel (it summons Voidfiends)


On a side note I’d pay to have Ulzuin’s Wrath animation used on an actually useful skill

That animation is so good and while the skill is just pure horse shit

Did we have a 150% confirmation on the stream that there will be only 1 ACT?

Oh my that will be pretty short considering you can do Gloomwald > Eketzul in 2-3 hours if exploring.

All the amazing lore potential, all the awesome places - we need at least 2 more acts. Please split them in separate DLC, most people wont care and will gladly pay you for more of the same amazing content.

Just please do not end the story semi-finished like with AoM - absolutely all plit threads opened…

That’s what Zantai said. Though the first expansion was supposed to be just one act too I think, but grew (that pesky too much lore problem again probably ;)).

History has shown us that Crate often under promises. So while we are certain there will be at least one act, there could be more. Plus, the definition of “act” is very loose, so it could be a big act.

I highly doubt all open threads will be tied up. They still might make more expansions, plus the devs have said their wont be a nice and tidy ending. The war is never ending.

Having said that, Crate does provide surprises. :slight_smile:

I would be fine with a single act and a rogue dungeon. Specially if it’s Eldritch themed. Like the Temple of the Three but much bigger.

I adore the Eldritch theme in the Temple

You guys DO realize that, even if FG only adds one new Act to the game, it doesn’t automatically means that the expansion will be short, right?

AoM had 2 Acts, but what if FG’s single new act ends up being bigger than Act 5 from AoM, for example? Also let’s not forget that there is a new game mode in the works as well, and other features…

Exactly this
Act III is a single act and yet there’s just so much content to explore and so many notes to read

Exactly this.

Crate have always said that you’re not some world saving hero that’s there to right all wrongs and that you are not there to save the world, you’re just “You” and this is the story of one person that survived being possessed… not the story of some invincible super hero saving the day.

So I’m fully expecting things not to be all neatly tied up and everything answered as the world existed before your char and continues to exist after your char.

AoM ended with the rather massive sequel hook of Korvaak and Kymon (particularly the last part of Creeds journal), so I would be very surprised if those didn’t feature prominently. I’m guessing that’s plenty of lore for an act, no matter how big it may end up.

Friendly reminder we don’t have any bridge repair quests in AoM :stuck_out_tongue:

On a serious note I hope they consider adding some side quests to New Harbor area like scavenging and repair quests. There’s also DC that could use some more repairs in wake of the recent Titan attack. Somebody should at least clear that body, last thing I want is Kasparov to mix that thing in my food

Confirmed for worst expansion of any game ever, in history or future. Possibly also designed by Alternate Timeline Hitler™ but unconfirmed… for now.

Definitely need more bridge repairing.

Secret area should have a giant grava made bridge that has like 3+ things you have to repair before you can traverse it.

Or a canyon with a ton of bridges crisscrossing it.

Man…I really hope there’s something(s) to poke or explored at Harbor area.
With such thematic potential, not doing anything to that area will be a total letdown:cry:

On additional note, New Harbor have a big potential for next xpac transitional intro area.

Hahahaha… ok, whatever you guys want to think.

I hope we enter a portal this time kinda like the d2 arcane sanctuary but should have lots of colorful background like rainbows but make blue, green and red colors stand out! :stuck_out_tongue:

again sorry but this becomes “what i want the expac to be thread”! :rolleyes: