Forthcoming Forgotten Gods expac - what we know so far Part I

Hey, I just use them. I don’t profess to understand them. :eek:

Give it a go, good for imagination.:slight_smile:

I don’t understand either :smiley:

more like something about the graphics capabilities of computers & OSes at the time (1980…)

So it is a ‘shattering’ new gamemode, fun also for endgame-farming, i think the devs said (correct me if i am wrong), and not something we’ve seen already in this TQ/GD engine.

My 2c would be: The world has a shattered image to which we can travel, those would be parts of the world we already have, just with borders we can’t cross and entry and exit portals.
Some visual effects in there, a color-filter, randomized monsters and bosses. Cherry on top are mutators from the crucible and quests in those intances to kill specific enemies or gather one or more items.

Maybe? What do you guys think of this?

I think the shattering game mode will be shattering and it’ll be a game mode. It’ll be so shattering that nothing’s ever gonna shatter anything even more than the upcoming shattering game mode. Powerful forces say, that the shattering game mode will shatter everything that hasn’t been shattered till today and everything that can not be shattered by any means, it’ll shatter everything and nothing and will balance the life existing in this world to shatter everything that tries to shatter the shattering balance that we have and wants to turn the balance into unbalance, therefore shattering everything.

I don’t know what I just said, but I believe this game mode might be something like nemesis war, but on the other hand it’d not be shattering in any way. I believe we’ll never guess right, no matter how hard we try.

According to big Z some aspects of it were correctly predicted in some of the posts in the first 8 pages of this thread.

Of course which posts they were he somehow neglected to mention. :smiley:

Maybe i was being too minimalistic, i try not to overhype myself. For now guessing might be our only option…

One other thing: I don’t know if anyone asked this already, this thread is almost 50 pages long by now.

The devs said that the new content can be played very early in the game, yet we expect a continuation for ‘deaths vigil’ and the ‘misguided of kymon’ storylines among other plot threads.

Wouldn’t it be difficult to get it right lorewise if we finish Forgotten Gods story and after that, speak with kymon for the first time?

Sorry in advance, if i ask repeating questions :slight_smile:

Does grim dawn have the players for a leaderboard rift style ala Diablo 3?

I would love to see leaderboards for classes and stuff, to push yourself as hard as possible. Something I miss in this game.

there are no central servers, so no leaderbords

Depends. This is what Zantai’s said so far:

zantai will we see more of Kymon / DV story?
Yes, you will. They do play a part in this next chapter of Grim Dawn.

Don’t recall anything else in any other threads, but my memory’s not that great.

This from the 25th May:

Can some quest-lines be missed if you start FG before talking to some NPC’s from base game+AoM?
No, you will not be locked out of any existing quests if you go straight into Forgotten Gods. You might notice some changes in certain quest areas if you go to Forgotten Gods, but it will not block you from doing quests.

Whether that would have any effect …

From the 25th May stream:
"u said last time u wont make dedicated servers could u tell why would make game much better for everybody ?
bring dedicated server could improve the game and bring a ton of new players in… joining a game with 350+ ping no fun zentai plz make it happen

Yes. I haven’t heard that one before. See, now you’re talking about dedicated servers you got me killed. Dedicated servers That’s how great dedicated servers are. Dedicated servers cost lives. As the question comes up all the time I will answer it one more time on stream. Dedicated servers would be a cool feature. I think if we were to have it, it would have to have happened when the game was new, when we could actually garner attention for the game and get people excited for the fact there are dedicated servers, there are seasons and all these hardcore multiplayer features. Instead we focussed on a single player experience, that is ultimately what Grim Dawn is about and we’re sticking to that, it’s working well for us. I think dedicated servers would be great, they will not happen for this game. Maybe Grim Dawn 2."

I do hope they appear as enemies - Kymon/DV negative rep feels like the grindiest of grinds atm, and I sure wouldn’t mind a new location to farm it at. Preferably one like Cronley’s Hideout with a bunch of static heroes/bosses to make up for the fact that Kymon/DV heroes are a bit thin on the ground to begin with.

I honestly wish Kymon/DV had a reputation gain boost similar to Barrowholm (maybe a little less powerful though), but alas…

Awesome job collating all the xpac info, btw. :smiley:

Knorke, I wouldn’t be surprised if this thread reaches 150 pages by the time FG gets released. Assuming a similar schedule to AoM with release in mid-October that’s another 8-9 GMs and possible live streams before we reach that point. :eek: That’s still a lot of possible spoilers coming our way and Zantai hasn’t even shown off the new “shattering” game mode yet. Sure that’s going to generate a lot of comments once it’s revealed.

I fully agree with spikenik! Admittingly, no character of mine has even reached nemesis with kymon or DV, yet.

And yes, we can be glad that we have our super moderator! He is everywhere, fighting crime (spam bots) and always friendly and informative (sounds like the description of a kids show).

I hope you keep your sanity when the s**t really starts to hit the fan for a second time! Kudos to you!

Fixed that for you.

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Me too! I’m SO looking forward to Zantai’s stream about the new game mode when he decides to show it to us. That’s going to be a whole weekend’s transcribing job methinks. :eek: And yeah I expect it’s going to get real hectic when we get near the end of FG’s development. Once it’s all over I think I’ll treat myself to a tri-beer or two or three or … :smiley:

Started off this week’s stream with a look at how those gargoyles Allminoxy was working on a little while back are coming along.

Nice eh.

Then we saw Grava’s test level where he’s scripted all the quests for the new expansion. Believe it or not, they’re all in there somewhere.

As for questions/answers:

EN4CER_X : What type of work does crate outsource?
we outsource a variety of things based on scheduling need and load
sounds we 100% outsource to our buddies at skewsound

Flavourius: @Zantai_GD tell me that this is going to be one of the eldritch nemeses
haven’t decided what the eldritch nemesis will be yet

DemonikCurse :does eldritch nemesis split into smaller versions of itself that heal?
he will split into smaller versions that cast nullification

it’s probably about as big as the rylok
the horns give it a few inches I guess, haha
I suppose I’ll have to talk to the artists about chopping these up for gear…

Flavourius Zantai_GD so if there will be an eldritch nemesis, have you figured who’s going to be named after this time from the crate team?
not yet

vekongnito :how much will the new game mode make Grim dawn replayable?
new shattering game mode is made to be pretty replayable

BourbonBandit :Any plans for extra shared stash space? Plsssss
we’ll add another tab
artist managed to squeeze those buttons down

mauric1us :Grava will you get involved in medierra’s project after FG ?
he’s already been involved in the other project
princexavier123 :what about u zantai are u involved?
I’ve made some random contributions but nothing huge
I’m almost exclusively on gd

lykre :Has there been any discussion of adding a Veteran equivalent for Elite and Ultimate?
incredibly complicated and messy

DemonikCurse :any chance you change crucible to show mutators before starting wave?
no, that would require some major changes to the crucible setup

Flavourius :@Zantai_GD any info about XBOne release? after FG I assume?
xbone release, depends on when the xbone code changes are ready, then we need to make some tuning adjustments probably
it’s not really fixed on when FG is out

DemonikCurse :can you add an option to connect directly via IP in multiplayer?
not likely

sunblaze31 :who actually comes up with those awesome constellation ideas?
I guess I’ve done the last bunch with medierra’s sign off
the base game was a mix of medierra and me

mauric1us :so is yugol a creation from a god?
mmm, no

ormith28 :@Zantai_GD does resistance to life reduction affect boss attacks that do % health on attack

Smaraud :how do u decide how many affinity points goes into each constellation
how do we decide? with science!
Caerbae :does that science involve rolling a d20?
more precise science!

And Grava finished off the session by showing us two more of the new constellations: Yugol and Azrakaa.

You can see them here:

And a possible quest spoiler was a suggestion for a quest requiring players to cough up the exact amount that Crate raised in their Kickstarter: 537,515. Don’t be surprised it it makes it into the game, Grava seemed quite taken with the idea. So best start saving up that iron. :stuck_out_tongue:

And if anyone missed Allminoxy’s arts stream it’s on YouTube now.

Also Zantai showing us the new movement runes plus some new music from Skewsound.

also this. new mastery combination confirmed

Those gargoyles look pretty dangerous :x

Also, another bit on a new mastery… Damn, just show it already! xp

Gargoyles: when Ryloks met Xenomorphs…