>>> GrimTools Build <<<
>>> GrimTools Non-Titan Plate Build <<< (WARNING: No Reflected Damage Reduction)
After months of working on and off with this build, I have finally optimized Valdun’s set in the best way possible. I have always wanted to play with Valdun’s set and the changes done to the set in V1.0.7.0 had improved upon the set and gave one of the finest marksmen turned assassin some tasty flavor. The build focuses on Soldier/Inquisitor for the fact that it provides ample pierce bonuses, only to be amplified further by the 75% Elemental > Pierce conversion, allowing Inquisitor rounds to scale much more off piercing alone). The build also provides about 2700 OA (3300 with procs) and 3000 DA which gives ample crit chance for your devotions and survivability from crits, allowing you to live longer and blast hard.
Furthering survivability, resistances have been overcapped by or over 20% except for aether and chaos, which Word of Renewal covers with 20% so long as you keep it up. Acid Spray + Assassin’s Mark + Mark of the Blade gives you -70% Pierce RR on your autoattacks, and an additional -25% from Death Sentence for a total of -95% Pierce RR, which is excellent for dishing out that high damage. Attack speed is about a baseline of 189%, but can cap out easily at 200% when Quickdraw or Battle Cry procs. The build itself has 5 WPS that deal high amounts of Pierce Damage, with the Inquisitor’s three rounds proccing at 20% chance and Vandun’s Clip and Treachery proccing 25% of the time, coming out to 110% with no recharge time, meaning you will proc a WPS with every attack. Since most of the WPS are projectile and AoEs, they have a bigger chance of proccing devotions, and the devotions themselves have either no recharge or a 1-2 second recharge (with the exception of Living Shadow), which means you will be proccing WPS and devotions consistently with every attack. So far, I have been able to hit over 200k DPS in my testing and will only get even higher once it is fine tweaked.
Assassin’s Mark is tied to Cadence as a form of solid Pierce RR every autoattack. The reason for this despite people setting Acid Spray to their autoattacks is because you can proc it so frequently without a recharge which Acid Spray has, and on top of that Cadence allows your shots to pass through enemies, so you can potentially proc assassin’s mark more than once on each shot so long as it crits.
Blades of Wrath of Valdun’s Clip provides you with some AoE damage around your centered body just incase you get surrounded by enemies, providing high pierce damage through 16 projectiles and passing through all enemies assuring most, if not all, take some damage. Valdun’s Clip also has 5-7 fragments and each fragment has a chance of proccing Blades of Wrath, but the only limiter is that the skill has a 2 seconds cooldown.
Acid Spray has been tied to Storm Spread due to the fact that Acid Spray is the only devotion we have that procs only 15% on attack (the others proccing 100% on crit strike), and storm spread has the highest spread of projectiles out of our other skills, being that of 4x2, equaling out to 8 projectiles. In a group of monsters, or even a single monster in closer range, you can assure that you apply acid spray on something every time it activates.
And finally, our feature of the build that makes this very interesting, Living Shadow. I find this skill to be amazing for multiple reasons, so I will break this down here. The skill produces a pet that deals piercing damage and converts 25% of attack damage to health. Due to the high amount of piercing damage scaling you possess, this scales Living Shadow’s piercing damage to high amounts as well, which transitions into an excellent amount of healing for you every time it autoattacks a creature. Not only does it provide you with healing, but it also serves as a distraction for your enemies and can even shadow step to enemies, placing Living Shadow right on top of them in an instant. Due to your high attack speed and crit chance, you even have a chance of summoning a second living shadow, which nets you even greater healing in combat. There is literally nothing negative about this devotion.
If you have any questions about this build, or even suggestions, I will be more than happy to hear them and answer to the best of my ability.
BUILD UPDATED: Due to the nature of ‘reflection’ on mobs, this build can potentially kill you if you are not careful. I have thus altered the build to include a Titan Plate for 15% Reflected Damage Reduction to help cushion the returned damage (not saying it still wont kill you, just not as fast). As an added bonus this has increased OA by 18, DA by 35, and Armor by 266… for a minor 112 reduction to weapon damage and some aether resistance loss (which can be mostly covered up by Word of Renewal so long as you keep it up.) But to keep options on the playing field, I have included both builds to the guide incase no one wished to deal with trying to tweak the Aether Resistance back up somehow. Cheers!