Frontier Stonk YOLOs

Also, Grim Dawn’s “Star Chart” and a " Constellation" prize is an incomplete idea I should detail my mind about. In brief I think of it as a loot system. Randomly generated loot drops offer various bonus, sometimes good for your build sometimes not. Imagine a grunt or peon from War Craft or whatever game influences you. Then apply the fundamentals of that loot system as a “level” system. With upgrades to the system, (as consolation) you can get better rolls on advancements. Now add a “Legacy” system that “limits” a colony to the strengths of that colony and apply that to the system, to help guide it to progressive benefits. This is a level/limit system that progresses through players practices.

Finally, if there’s multiplayer feature, the system could be adapted to include this. Maybe in the functional way, in order to advance to the limits of the game, you’ll need multiple builds in the “Constellation” system to even open the high tech for option. Giving value to building all the different styles offered by the game. Kind of like Grim Dawn multiple characters, the characteristic of this would allow for advanced civilization.