Frontier Stonk YOLOs

Example of elaboration.

Furthermore, I could detail the limitations of a colony and why. Such as location is a limitation of constellations, in they are viewed from a different angle. Reusing the same constellation with some variations in a 3d logic (triangulate) could allow for common uses (I know it’s a fantasy game, stars wouldn’t be viewed as 3d, though it makes something to have in common). Say I have a colony in the north, I started adding points to Ursa. My friend in the south can’t see the entire Ursa, though from their angle has some stars of it in the Umbra sign they’ve added. If we both fill that constellation, we share something in common (having something in common could multiply benefits or attract unwanted attention). 3 stars of both constellations are shared and allow us to advance into a beneficial allegiance. This in turn will advance our technology allowing us to upgrade to something more modern.

In terms, we as allied colonies are working together, gaining the benefits we each advanced (legacy). We ourselves then advance in each other’s ways. Once we’ve both Mastered the constellation, we can then advance our benefit beyond our means (teamwork is quantified or called independence).

Also, I need to mention, the constellations are the same, though they are the limitation being applied based on location. All the world as access to all constellation, though to use them you must establish in a region.

Finally, when looking at the star map, you see the same stars, though through cultural and geographic difference they are learned differently. To unite multiple cultures, technologies or people, this could be an influence to guide that kind of system or structuring.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention “constellations” are being considered as a Zodiac in this sense. You need 2 parts on information. what number Zodiac and the year your colonist was born. zn/yyyy This will be how you associate colonist with the system as an example for behind the scenes managing. Could be any number of Zodiac for each region as well if needed. r/zn/yyyy = Regional / Zodiac Number / Year this may help to reduce menus until development of modern technology.